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好的.您的邮费是三百二十五元.OK, the postage is 325 Yuan.

这个价格包含邮费。The price includes the postage.

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你知道,真正的纸张和邮费。You know, postage and real paper.

您将需要一台打印机和邮费。You will need a printer and postage.

第三,那时候邮费很高,邮递员要收邮资很困难。Third, the postage was high at that time.

这个通过航空邮寄的邮费是多少?How much is the postage of the package by air.

这本词典连邮费共100元。This dictionary is 100 yuan, postage included.

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这两份报纸可按“印刷品”计算邮费吗?。Can I send the two newspapers "Printed Matter"?

你把邮费算进总金额里没有?Have you reckoned the cost of postage in the total?

书籍的价格包括邮费和包装费。The price of the books includes postage and packing.

请问这些信寄到印度邮费是多少?Whats the postage on these letters to India, please?

好的,这是邮费,找的钱你留着吧。All right, here is the money. You can keep the change.

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考试费一律不退,报名费中包括邮费。The fees include the postage and will not be refunded.

寄到新加坡的明信片航空邮费是多少?What is the airmail postage on postcards to Singapore?

如果买家非要退得话,那至少得承担一次邮费。If the buyer had insisted back, then take at least one postage.

欲知五件以上的邮费请联系客服。Please contact customer service for purchase more than 5 pieces.

即日起,所有的订单数额超过RM100都会免费邮费!The orders amount more than RM100 or above will be FREE POSTAGE!

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无需支付邮费,没有任何隐藏费用等我会付出一切。No need to pay postage, no hidden costs etc. I'll pay for it all.

*欧洲或者世界其他地方,可能需要付出额外的邮费。Europe and Rest of World rates will incur additional postage costs.

明信片上的邮票应该贴在正面,否则视为未付邮费。Postcards should be stamped on the front, or they will be seen as unpaid.