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竹板宽幅和厚度可以根据客户要求定做。Heavy bamboo slats wide-width and thickness can according to customer requirements.

把这两个残忍的人用竹板打三十大板,让他们接受痛苦的教训。Give each of these savages thirty strokes with the bamboo poles, to teach them a lesson about pain!

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采用常规浸渍的方法,炭化竹板的环氧树脂浸渍量低。The impregnation increment of epoxy resin for carbonized bamboo board with conventional impregnation is low.

其实滑沙就是坐在竹板上从沙山上滑下来。那简直刺激极了!Actually slide the sand exactly sit om a bamboo clappers facing down from the sand hill. hat is very exciting!

他们设计了一个模型,周围的房子建防水竹板屋面和竹子-钢筋混凝土墙壁。They designed a model house built around waterproof bamboo-sheet roofing and bamboo-reinforced concrete walls.

把竹条粘成竹板的胶水可能含有甲醛,塔对工人的的健康造成威胁,而且也可能对消费者造成危害。The glues that bind the strips into planks can contain formaldehyde, posing health risks to workers and possibly to consumers.

竹板具有木板材的品质,超越木材的韧性,在密度相等的情况下,任何木材都无达到竹材具有的弯曲挠度。Heavy bamboo slats has wood board quality, transcend wood toughness, in density equal circumstances, any has not reached bamboo wood bending deflection.

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在那里,用竹板和捆绑材料做成的人行桥跨越沟壑和河流,以便当地居民与远方地区的贸易往来。There footbridges made with bamboo planks and binding materials span chasms and river systems to enable the travel and commerce of locals living in remote areas.

竹圆棒,直径规格4-10MM为一层竹片拉丝而成,直径11MM以上需要竹板复合再车圆!Bamboo round rods, 4-10MM diameter specifications for a layer of bamboo wiredrawing and become, diameter 11MM above need heavy bamboo slats composite again car round!

我的背向着他立着背书,背不出的时候,他提一个字,就叫我回转身来把手掌展放在桌上,他拿起这根竹板很重地打下来。My back to him stood endorsement, back out, he put a word, I turned around to the palm of exhibition on the table, he picked up this piece of bamboo is heavily beaten down.

蔡伦是一名中国古代太监,他曾在昂贵的丝绸和竹板上书写过,但是,他发明了造纸术,用树皮、鱼网和竹子压制成纸。The Chinese had written on expensive silk and heavy bamboo slats, but this eunuch of the imperial court created paper out of bark, fishnet and bamboo, which he pressed thin.

我们也八核心柱用透光竹板包裹成一个“光箱”,从而使原来凝重的混凝土体块变成轻快、生动的视觉中心。We also wrapped the core column with light-transmitting bamboo boards to form a light-box, which transforms the previously heavy concrete block into a light and lively focus object.

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天花板下,晚餐空间用暖木和经层压的竹板构成,以放大其条状效果,使得建筑的景观浑然一体,赏心悦目。Below the ceiling, the functional aspects of a dining space are fabricated with warm woods and relaminated bamboo amplifying the striping affect already at play throughout the space.