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低周波按摩器“,”Low Frequency Massager.

中周波感应炉“,”Medium-Frequency Induction Furnace.

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高周波塑胶压纹机“,”High-Frequency Plastic Laminating Machine.

高周波熔接机、模具和电压制品。High frequency welding machine, mould and voltage products.

我做了低周波的行为笔记一种固执的不同。I did note a persistent difference in low-frequency behavior.

你们生产汽车脚垫要不要用高周波机啊,需要的话联系我啊,呵呵。You don't like me? I don't care. I love the way I am, because God made me this way.

采样值差动保护动作时间小于一个周波。The action time of sampling value differential current protection is less than one cycle.

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结论低周波治疗仪治疗失眠症的疗效优于氯硝西泮。ConclusionThe silver spike point therapy has the better curative effect on insomnia than Clonopin.

那么,因次周波数kh,等一切,人,免疫缺陷病毒1型体外臭氧在“血卷”失活。Well, KH, et all, "Inactivation of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 by Ozone In Vitro" Blood, Vol.

可选用无焰热风或高周波系统,让客户在成本与品质间取得平衡。The customers can choose the heating or high frequency system to get the balance between cost and quality.

它较之全周波傅氏滤波方法在抑制非周期分量影响等方面性能更优。Comparing with Fourier full-cycle filtering method, it has more advantageous in restricting nonperiodic component.

在使用周波变换器和其他设备时,电流可能存在不在谐波频率的成分。In the case of cycloconverters and other devices, current components may exist which are not at harmonic frequencies.

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目的探讨温热式低周波配合超短波治疗膝关节骨性关节炎的临床效果。Objective To explore the effect of low frequency electrotherapy and ultrashort wave therapy on knee joint osteoarthritis.

小型模具、烫金梗、电机、高周波横、微量射出模、鞋模、微章、压花模具。For metal mold processing, For Small molds, gold stamping stem, motors micro injection mold, shoe mold, emblems, embossing mold.

断电为完全失去电压,通常持续短至30个周波,长至数小时,甚至某些情况下达数天。An outage is a complete loss of voltage usually lasting from as short as 30 cycles up to several hours, or in some cases even days.

目的观察高电位治疗仪配合附属的电子笔和低周波导子对肩关节周围炎的治疗效果。Objective To observe the effect of treatment of frozen shoulder with high electric potential and its low frequency electrode and electric pen.

传统的全周波傅氏算法无法滤除故障信号中衰减的直流分量,从而对所需信号的幅值与相位计算造成误差。Traditional full-cycle algorithm can not filter decaying DC component in fault signals, it makes deviation in magnitude and phase calculation.

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本文介绍了利用周波控制技术对交流一次供电侧进行自动循环通断控制的特点及原理电路。The paper presents to make use of cycle control for features of autocycle on- off control on ac primary feed side and implementing principle circuit.

我公司是一家专业生产高周波机、超声波机、碰焊机设备的知名台资企业。Our company is specialized in producing high frequency machines, ultrasonic machines, welding equipment touch the well-known Taiwan-funded enterprises.

利用采样后的信号,采用校正的全周波傅氏算法算出电压、电流的相位,从而算出功率因数角。The use of sampled signals, using full-cycle Fourier algorithm for correction calculated voltage and current phase, and thus calculate the power factor angle.