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当下从恶男跨下钻了过去。From the ENan span in the past.

当下是我们所拥有的一切。This moment is all that we have.

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这意味着当下一次经过这个循环的时候。If it is, OK. Set the answer to true.

但无聊并非当下之新发明。But frivolity isn’t a recent invention.

睁着眼睛可以让你更关注当下。Open eyes allow you to be more present.

当下时刻只能是它现在的样子。The present moment can only be as it is.

就在当下,我创造未来。In the presant moment I create my future.

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我们真正拥有的只是此刻,只是当下。All we relly hve is right here, right now.

当下不再劝说,向南亭走去。At present no persuasion, South newsstand.

气候变化是当下的一个热门话题。Climate change is a hot topicat the moment.

我一听这话,当下就警惕起来。Hearing this, I was instantly on the alert.

他喝酒的时候喜欢拿牛筋当下酒菜。He likes accompanying wine with beef tendons.

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但是那也是当下一种相当酷的打扮。but that's quite a cool look now as well, so.

他完全彻底地活在当下。He was completely and entirely in the present.

只是放开并让自己处在当下时刻。Just let go and let yourself be in the moment.

活在当下,笑傲江湖,好好享受旅游人生。Live in the moment, enjoy the journey of life.

他们把这些炒了当下酒菜。They cooked these and served them with liquor.

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快乐就在当下,你只有一天——就是今天。Happiness is now, you only have one day- today.

当下毛毛细雨的时候,这里的景观更为壮观。When it drizzles , it's a fantastic sight here.

实际上,我看到的陈列物几乎就是它当下的样子。Basically, I see the display as it is right now.