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亲爱的,咱们开个夫妻店怎么样?Shall we open a shop by ourselves, darling?

我很乐意免费为那些夫妻店建立一个网站,而这个网站是可以在博客上免费搜索的。Still, it's a free website, and I'm offering my help up for free.

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经营规模通常为夫妻店、家庭店形式,规模一般都较小。The scale of operation is usually small, mainly family-run or home shop.

人们最担心的一个问题是,西方公司可能会令那些夫妻店难以为继。A key concern has been that Western companies would cannibalize mom-and-pop stores.

从小的夫妻店到全国性连锁机构,许多公司提供这项服务。Many companies provide this service, from small, mom-and-pop operations to national franchises.

另一部分人只是想让购物者从大型连锁购物广场转移至当地的夫妻店进行购买。Others just want to divert shoppers from big chains and giant shopping malls to local mom-and-pops.

但是我觉得我只是将一些能吸引年轻客户的夫妻店提供出来。But I thought I'd put together a little list of what mom-and-pop stores can do to attract younger customers.

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但是我觉得我只是将一些能吸引年轻客户的夫妻店提供出来。But I thought I’d put together a little list of what mom-and-pop stores can do to attract younger customers.

于是我转去问那位上了年纪的女士——也就是夫妻店的老板娘——结果她也没法用英语进行对话。I turned to ask the elderly lady -- the Mom in the "Mom and Pop" equation -- who was equally non-conversant in English.

我很乐意免费为那些夫妻店建立一个网站,而这个网站是可以在博客上免费搜索的。I would be happy to set up a website for any mom-and-pop business that is okay with a website based off a blog host. For free.

温州的民营企业非常多,绝大多数是规模非常小的,甚至只是夫妻店或只雇上几个打工仔。There are many private enterprises in WenZhou. most of them are small-scale, family-run shop or even several wage earners employed.

这就是那些支撑我们家庭及社区运作的夫妻店,美容院,建筑公司。These are the mom and pop stores and restaurants, beauty shops and construction companies that support families and sustain communities.

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目前,印度零售行业的主导力量是几百万家夫妻店,而且严重缺乏现代化的供应链管理,包括冷藏管理。Currently, retailing is dominated by millions of mom-and-pop stores, and it lacks much modern supply-chain management, including cold storage.

除了通过西式零售商销售产品,宝洁公司还经常用三轮车把少量产品运到“夫妻店”。As well as selling through western-style. retailers, Procter & Gamble delivers small quantities frequently to "mom-and-pop" shops by bicycle cart.

一开始,每个人想要一点网络不动产,从世界五百强到当地社区的夫妻店。At the beginning, everyone wanted their bit of Web real-estate, from Fortune 500 companies to the mom and pop businesses in our local communities.

不过,前者在美国花费十年时间才在与夫妻店的特许争夺中险胜,而后者则超前的多,他们使用电话呼叫中心和互联网预约定单。But while it took decades for big franchises to edge out mom-and-pop hotels in the US, Chinese chains are racing ahead, using centralized phone and Internet booking to fill rooms.