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目前正处于相持不下的阶段。Right now we are at the loggerheads stage.

在夺取了圣拉埃以后,战事形成了相持不下的局面。After the taking of La Haie-Sainte the battle wavered.

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雇主和罢工者在工资问题上相持不下。The employers and strikers had deadlocked over the wage.

最近几年,这两家公司因其他问题而相持不下。The two companies have locked horns over other issues in recent years.

战争打了十年相持不下,双方都损失惨重。War dozen the decade be stalemated, both parties all loss miserably heavy.

土人一直在争夺这一小片土地,双方相持不下。The natives have been warring over this small piece of land without either side winning.

相传雅典娜与海神波赛顿为争夺雅典的保护神地位,相持不下。Legend Athena and sea wave the scramble for Athens's patron saint of the status, deadlocked.

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当双方仍在相持不下之际,有个渔翁经过,将它俩一网成擒了。While they were still grappling with each other, a fisherman passed by and netted them both.

巴西队教练看到场上局面相持不下,申请了技术暂停。Brazil coach see the ground situation in stalemate, to suspend the application of technology.

另一方面,在辩论相持不下时,奥巴马从未坚定地站在改革主义者的一边。On the other hand, Mr Obama never sided unequivocally with progressives as the debate dragged on.

当前,共和党人正与奥巴马因国内政策问题相持不下。At present, the Republicans are a result of domestic policy issues with Barack Obama at loggerheads.

我们不要在举行全国代表大会时还相持不下,最后在竞选总统中失败。We do not want to go to the convention and have a big fight at the convention and lose the presidency.

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不过,到底什么样的法子才是最有效最快捷的,各人相持不下。However, accurate what kind of the way is the maximum mainly the fastest of, the everyone is stalemated.

于是双方相持不下,B公司决定起诉欠费业主,请问业主应该如何对应?So the two sides split, the company decided to prosecute plan B owners, owners should ask how counterpart?

要来到总统办公桌上才能做出的决定,几乎都是那些难度很高的,往往两方都相持不下。Many of the decisions that reach the president’s desk are tough calls, with strong arguments on both sides.

正是因为这些根本性差异的存在,双方在谈到福利、外交政策和性价值观时往往相持不下。Debates about welfare, foreign policy, and sexual values get stymied because of these fundamental differences.

西方国家介入,使伊朗无法在此一相持不下的海湾战争中,顺利切断阿拉伯对伊拉克的援助。This Western presence has frustrated Iran's efforts to choke off Arab help to Iraq in the deadlocked gulf war.

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国内两大政党民进党和国民党对如何处理和中共的关系一直相持不下。The two main national parties, the DPP and the KMT, have been at loggerheads over how to manage relations with China.

“隐含作者”的概念一经提出就在叙述学界引起了广泛的关注,支持与反对的两派一直相持不下。When the term of "implied author"was put forward by Booth in 1961, two opposite opinions come into the world of narratology.

然而,是什么最先活化三叉神经,目前则有两派学说相持不下。What first activates the trigeminal nerves in migraine, however, is under debate. There are essentially two schools of thought.