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你稍微首肯,成堆蜘蛛精将会一哄而上!You nod slightly, piles Zhizhu Jing will be herd!

问题三、将热点新闻报道等同于“一哄而上”。Problem 3, confuse hot point news report with a group of people hurtle together.

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显而易见的这种各炮一哄而上的方式是没法儿仔细修正落弹的。It soon became evident that with all guns firing individually it was almost impossible to spot with any accuracy.

在实施过程中,必须严格条件、规范操作,切忌一哄而上,草率行使。We must rigorously enforce rules and regulations, conform to the standard, oppose rushing headlong into mass action.

在这个有趣和令人上瘾的游戏,你会一哄而上,笔,追捕,清洗和分裂成群的牛羊,你的两个忠实的牧羊犬。In this fun and addictive game you will herd, pen, chase down, wash and split flocks of sheep with your two faithful sheep dogs.

我们的思绪是多么容易一哄而上,簇拥着一件新鲜事物,像一群蚂蚁狂热地抬一根稻草一样,抬了一会,又把它扔在那里……How readily our thoughts swarm upon a new object, lifting it a little way, as ants carry a blade of straw so feverishly, and then leave it.

西部旅游开发日渐“热”起来,但如何避免一哄而上盲目的短期开发行为,做到合理开发,是重中之重。The exploitation of tour resource in the west of China is becoming poplar. But , how do we avoid the blind mass action and make the exploitation reasonable ?

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拍摄完毕后,记者们一哄而上,向苗渺发问一些苗渺极不肯意面临的隐私问题。The filming was finished, the reporters YiHongErShang, to ask some seedlings seedlings of disregarding disregarding would not face a means of privacy issues.

由于种种原因,国内工程机械企业大多习惯于“跟风”,只要是畅销产品,往往会一哄而上。For various reasons, the domestic machinery enterprises are accustomed to "follow the trend", as long as product sale very well, they often rush headlong into mass action.

这就是目前表现出来的当一种蔬菜价格上升,农民马上一哄而上的局面,导致价格下跌蔬菜销售困难。This is when the current performance to a rise in prices of vegetables, farmers immediately altogether the same situation, resulting in prices of vegetables for sale difficult.

时尚期刊市场空间被看好,引发各种资本一哄而上,造成恶性竞争,导致时尚期刊业的发展出现了一系列问题。The market space of the vogue periodical is thought to be good, causing various capitals get into it, result in an unfair competition. 21 centuries, the world gets into attention economic ages.