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剽窍是严重的违纪行为。Plagiorism is a serious offense.

安全红线不能碰,违章违纪不留情。Safety not to touch the red line, unsparing violation.

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他们从不背著纠察队做违纪的事。They never violate the rules behind the pickets' back.

温特也认为足总应该加快他们有关违纪的听证效率。He also feels the FA should speed up their disciplinary procedures.

涉及严重违法违纪行为的,移交司法部门处理。Involved in serious violations of law, the transfer of the judiciary.

即违纪行为是否严重到需要解雇。That is the infraction was serious enough to necessitate termination.

滥用枪支警械,是公安民警违法违纪中比较突出的问题。Guns abuse becomes a typical issue in the illicit cases committed by the policemen.

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最后,通过监督违纪行为和对乱抛垃圾者处以相应的罚款来执行新法律。Lastly, we enforce the new law by monitoring for violations and fining those who litter.

除了配戴臂章外,违纪的警员将被另一名警员监视一整天。Besides wearing the armbands , the officers will be watched by another officer for a day.

乡村干部的违纪违法现象败坏了党在群众中的形象。The violation of the law and discipline by rural cadres discredit party's image among masses.

近年来,在这个群体中,违法违纪现象有增加的趋势。In recent years there is an increasing tendency for this group to violate laws and regulations.

新华社曾报道,2010年有146517位官员因违纪问题被惩处。A total of 146,517 officials were punished for disciplinary violations in 2010, Xinhua reported.

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对更衣室设备任意恶意损坏或是过多浪费都将受到违纪处分。Hotel will not accept responsibility for any loss or damage to personal properties kept in lockers.

公立高校学生违纪处分规则属行政法规范。The public universities' punishment rules to disobedient students belong to the administrative laws.

有其他违法违纪行为并造成不良影响和后果的。Having any other irregularity or discipline breach and causing any unfavorable impact and consequence.

盛光祖于上周接替因严重违纪而被撤职的刘志军出任铁道部部长。Sheng took office last week to replace Liu Zhijun, who was ousted for "severe violation of discipline."

体罚是家常便饭,小小的违纪经常是以棍棒伺候!Corporal punishment was a regular occurrence, minor offenses often being punished with clubs and cudgels!

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对违纪学生进行纪律处分是高等学校管理的重要内容。How to punish the students broken the rules is an important part of the internal management in high school.

托业中国管理中心保留对一切违纪考生做出相关处理的权利。TOEIC China Management Center reserves the right to act against any disciplinary offences of the candidates.

作为军人,关心不可能违纪,他劝说表哥先回去,本人却堕入焦虑中。As a soldier, care about may not violate discipline, he persuade cousin go back first, I was falling anxiety.