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在此例举临证医案四则以佐证。Four proven cases were presented for examples.

这是一本文献佐证翔实可靠的传记。This book is a carefully documented biography.

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贝克引用了两个主要论点来佐证自己的理论。Bakker cited two main arguments to support his theory.

我另一位离异的朋友能作为佐证。Another recently divorced friend drove this point home.

这也许是证明马克思主义光芒永耀的极好佐证之一。This perhaps is one of the best proofs supporting Marxism.

博主们长期使用这项技术来佐证自己的观点。Bloggers have long used the technique to back up their views.

出席人数较去年有所上涨,支票簿增加即可佐证。Attendance was up on last year, with more cheque-books in evidence.

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其崇土文化心理不仅有汉字可考,而且有古代文献可为佐证。Evidences of the psychology are also revealed in ancient literature.

这个分析得到了试气和采气资料的佐证。Data from well testing and gas production have proved the prediction.

第七章,列举世界知名礼品公司的例子来佐证本文观点。The chapter VII cites some world-renowned gifts to support this view.

海盗号再次给两方面都提供了似是而非的佐证。" Viking" provided tantalizing support on both sides of the question.

在有公开资料可以佐证的地方,我都用脚注的方式表明了出处。Whenever possible, references to open sources are made in the footnotes.

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什麽佐证的证据历史性的第14章,可你的名字吗?What corroborative evidence of the historicity of Chapter 14 can you name?

资产价格正在疯狂上涨,房地产和股市的泡沫即是佐证。Asset inflation, as evidenced by bubbles in real estate and equities, is rampant.

美国就业市场疲弱是支持经济低增长及低通胀率情况展望的佐证.A weak U.S. labor market is Exhibit A in making the low-growth, low-inflation case.

用牙线清洁牙齿是时间管理原则的最好佐证之一。Flossing your teeth is one of the best examples of the principles of time management.

岑参的西域诗真实地反映了这一变迁,为历史提供了难得的佐证。The Xiyu's Poems by Censen truly reflect the vicissitudes, which provide rare evidence.

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温度聚降对气象员所说将有一个寒冷的周末的警告,提供了有力的佐证。A sudden drop in temperature gave weight to the weatherman 's warning of a cold weekend.

这篇给人以深刻印象的报告为如今图书馆的社会相关性提供了引人注目的佐证。This impressive report offers dramatic proof of the relevance of public libraries today.

当观点有事实,数据,案例或原因佐证时,往往更有说服力。Opions are always stronger when they are supported by facts, figures, examples or reasons.