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何苦乃尔?Why bother like this?

缐一个人好好过,何苦在爱情里沦落。A person live in love, why reduced.

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生活本来就是累,何苦再受感情的罪?Life is tired, why be the feelings of the crime?

说一句谎话,要编造十句谎话来弥补,何苦呢?One taradiddle needs ten to make up. Why bother?

你何苦将柔情封进冻土?。Why the tender love into frozen earth, you save?

但何苦把这些事变成习惯呢?But why choose such a thing to become a daily habit?

傻女,问问你自己,那些付出是何苦。Foolish girl . ask yourself . All you give for what.

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说一句谎话,要编造十句谎话,何苦呢?Say a lie, want to make ten sentences lies, why bother?

我若是有罪,又何苦白费心血?But if so also I am wicked, why have I laboured in vain?

说一句谎话,要编造十句谎话来弥补,何苦呢?Say a lie, want to make ten lies to make up for, why bother?

如果你无视进餐的乐趣,何苦还要麻烦厨师呢?If you remove the pleasure from dining, why bother cooking at all?

你何苦让自己,越陷越深别傻了,用你的天真,去控制不安的灵魂。Don't be fool anymore, just by your puerility , to control the disturbed soul.

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再说,好男人不用管,坏男人管不住,既然这样,那自己又何苦去纠结呢?Besides, the good man not bad, man cannot hold, so that their own, why go with?

如果我们上海人不好客,那又何苦费心这么做?If we Shanghainese are inhospitable, why would we bother going to these lengths?

理想之所以被称为理想,就是永远不能变成现实的未来,我何苦要去徒劳拼搏呢——这是很多物质享乐主义者的想法。Ideal is such a future that will never become real. That is why it's called ideal.

痴心的人儿,郎已薄幸无踪,何苦依依?Silly people who abuse, Lang has been fickle without leaving a trace, why bother Yiyi?

爱你才会和你一起拼搏,不然何苦拿青春赌明天。Love you and you will work together, otherwise why bother to take youth gambling tomorrow.

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老师既然已经透露了他喜欢餐饮业,何苦去提独特的方案呢?Why risk a unique solution when the instructor has let it slip he likes the food business?

何苦风雨兼程,何苦为了赶到终点,而忽略了路边的风景。Why trials and hardships, in order to get to the end, while ignoring the roadside scenery.

有那么多事情可以让你开心。何苦偏要关注那些让你不开心的呢?There are so many things that can make you happy. Don't focus too much on things that make you sad.