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苦海无边,回头是岸。爱恨无期,放下得道。Hell at endless. Love hate life, put down word.

有些身居海外的印度人决定回头是岸。Some overseas Indians are throwing in the towel.

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因此,回头是岸对她们来说非常困难。So it's very difficult for them to rebuild their lives.

回头是岸,全靠他重生,倚仗全圣万能的君主。Turns to the thing, He was born to be, A master to the king.

十赌九诈,为了家人,为了自己,赌海无边、回头是岸…Ten wager nine cheat for the family to himself, bet on the sea boundless, at.

所有的回头是岸不过是让我们渐行渐远,我愿意为你沦陷述说自己如何心甘情愿。All is but let us at tapering off, I'd like to tell you how willingly himself fall.

美国就像一个输红了眼的赌徒越输越赌,不知道什么时候回头是岸。But like a losing gambler who keeps ondoubling down, the U.S. doesn’t know when to quit.

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因为出于怜悯,他在还没实行审判前要行恶的回头是岸。And because of His mercy, He wants the wicked to return to Him before He metes out punishment.

生死一线间,各怀鬼胎的野心家能否回头是岸?A glimmer of of life and death, the adventurer of each bosom evil plot can repentance is salvation?

如果市里对这些“官二代”进行教育的话,也许会让他们回头是岸,成为祖国的栋梁。If the city on the "official second generation" to education, may let them turn, become the backbone of the motherland.

讽刺的是,大卫·布兰特的堕落和最后的回头是岸使他更加吸引观众眼球。The irony is of course that I think David Brent's dark descension and eventual redemption made him all the more compelling.

但是与你的这段感情却让为我不知如何是好,是继续发展,还是回头是岸。But actually lets with yours this section of sentiment for me not know how is good, is continues to develop, or repents and be saved.