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康纳布鲁克与沙尘他多次访问。Connor Brucker on one of his many visits with Dusty.

沙尘使你喉咙发干,让你感到干渴难忍。Dust dries your throat, leaving an unquenchable thirst.

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2008年,一群鸽子在被沙尘覆盖的科威特城上方飞行。Pigeons and dust cloud a street in Kuwait City in 2008.

如今,飞扬的沙尘弥漫了小镇,掩盖了港口。Today blowing sand dusts the town and silts its harbor.

悉尼的沙尘在午后大幅减少。The dust over Sydney had largely cleared by mid-afternoon.

就在此时,一阵沙尘掠过地平线,慢慢向路这边靠近。A dust storm was on the horizon, slowly approaching the road.

另外就是大颗粒沙尘在空气中的沉降速度更快。Also, the larger particles fall out of the atmosphere more quickly.

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北京周六天空灰蒙蒙的,到处是薄薄的扬沙尘土。The sky glowed Saturday and a thin dusting of sand covered Beijing.

大风频繁的沿着纳米比亚海岸把沙尘吹向大海方向。Wind frequently pushes dust plumes seaward along the Namibian Coast.

风会搅动沙尘,但风暴前端在此区域需是上升流。Winds can stir dust, however, when storm fronts arise in the region.

但是,那些沙尘可能是本周较早一场浮尘暴遗留下来的。But this may have been residue from an aerosol storm earlier this week.

沙尘中的铁屑会造成海洋中的有害微生物增生。Iron in that dust may fuel the growth of harmful bacteria in the ocean.

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我持久地躺在埃及的漫天沙尘里,沉默沉静着,忘却了季候。Long did I die in the dust of Egypt, silent and unaware of the seasons.

此时,冷飕飕的伴着沙尘的风又从窗外吹过。At this point, the chilly with dust and wind blowing through the window.

一个庞然大物布满白色斑点的尾巴晃过,随即消失在滚滚的沙尘之中。A large sweep's white-tipped tail showed, then vanished in the sand stir.

那天风很大,漫天飞舞的沙尘吹得我睁不开眼,也许是我眼瞎了。It was very windy, the flying dust blowing in my eyes, maybe I was blind.

儿童免疫力较弱,所以更易受沙尘威胁。Children are especially vulnerable because they have weaker immune systems.

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除了这些关注点外,爱荷华州并不处于新的沙尘风暴的边缘。Despite the concerns, Iowa is not on the brink of becoming a new Dust Bowl.

沙尘形成许多超凡的地理景观,例如多孔隙的地面。Dust produces otherworldly landscapes, such as distinctively pitted terrain.

子弹撕开警卫塔下的沙袋,扬起串串沙尘。Bullets ripped into the sandbags of the guard tower, kicking up puffs of sand.