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一只瘦骨嶙峋的狐狸趴在高处的小丘顶上。A skinny fox sits on the hill above.

她如今不再是清瘦而是瘦骨嶙峋。She was not merely thin but skeletal.

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两个人都身高六尺多,瘦骨嶙峋。Both were over six feet, and as thin as rails.

这些大眼睛的瘦骨嶙峋的孩子办了一份小报。These big-eyed scrawny boys put out a small newspaper.

女孩抓住死亡,而死亡长长瘦骨嶙峋的手指穿梭在她的头发中。Girl clutching the figure of Death. His long boney fingers in her hair.

那是为爱焦灼、奔跑的人儿倒下的躯体,瘦骨嶙峋。It was anxious for love, those who run a few fallen body, super-skinny.

他年已四十,瘦骨嶙峋,一张干瘦的脸,刻板而迂腐。He was a man of forty, thin, with a pinched face, precise and rather pedantic.

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我们回到饭店吃晚饭,席上的菜肴里有今天猎得的那些瘦骨嶙峋的野禽。We return to the restaurant for another banquet, this time including the bony wildfowl.

腰胯和双肩的关节瘦骨嶙峋,突出身体三英寸之多。The knotty joints of his hips and shoulders stood out a good three inches from his body.

这里所生长的植物大多是些粗劣的草木,仅仅能够弄活那几只瘦骨嶙峋的羊。The vegetation is mostly coarse grass, only just good enough to nourish the few bony sheep.

在马车后轮之间,一条瘦骨嶙峋的长腿杂种狗不声不响地跟着。Underneath the wagon, between the hind wheels, a lean and rangy mongrel dog walked sedately.

德尔金夫人生就一张瘦骨嶙峋的脸,一双滴溜溜乱转的黑眼睛和一条永无休止的舌头。Mrs. durkin was a bony-faced woman with black, darting eyes and a tongue that was never still.

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他瘦骨嶙峋的母亲安吉拉对他十分溺爱,她是用食物来表达对儿子的爱的。His mother, Angela, was an angular beauty who doted on him, and the medium of her love was food.

那孩子一只瘦骨嶙峋的手从她的外套底下摸出来,她感觉到他小小的手指在找着她的脸。The child snaked a bony hand out from underher coat and she felt his small fingers searching her face.

我看到了她皮肤上沾着的柠檬蛋白,当她弯下身去剪脚趾甲时她长长的瘦骨嶙峋的手臂。I saw the lemon meringue of her skin, the long bone of her arm as she reached down to clip her toenails.

在他周围,其他人纷纷从飞天扫帚上下来,还有两个是从瘦骨嶙峋的、带翅膀的黑马身上下来的。All around him other people were dismounting from brooms and, in two cases, skeletal, black winged horses.

她的成功在时尚界掀起了一股病态美学风潮,瘦骨嶙峋、平胸、小雀斑成为美丽的标志。Her success encouraged a kind of morbid fashion and the skinny, flat-chested, freckled look became a mark of beauty.

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瘦骨嶙峋的他抱着膝盖紧紧地贴着胸口,且尽可能地将身体缩进他那件破烂不堪的羊毛衫。The sun rose over the trees as he hugged his bony knees tight to his chest and pulled his worn wool sweater around him.

他的那些老祖宗们的瘦骨嶙峋和满脸的皱纹,已经提前二十年出现在他的脸上了。The angular hollows and lines of his aged ancestors had succeeded to their reign in his face twenty years before their time.

坐在他对面的是瘦骨嶙峋的军事指挥官Shamsuldin,他用骨瘦如柴的长长手指梳理着胡须,下巴靠在膝盖上。Opposite sat the gaunt military commander, Shamsuldin. He combed his beard with long, bony fingers, his chin resting on his knee.