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听取有关二次转职的情报。Tell me about the second class transfer.

例如战士可以转职为勇士和狂战士。For example, fighters can be transferred for the Warrior and Berserker.

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角色可以转职,同时保持从以前的工作有一定的技术。Characters can change jobs, while maintaining a certain technique from before job.

本人希望在出口公司获得更多的经验,故愿转职。I am desirous of leaving the office in order to gain more experience in an export's company.

我希望转职的原因是打算在广告行业发展。I am desirous of leaving the office in order to gain more experience in advertising business.

本人希望在出口公司能更多的经验,故愿转职。I am desirous of leaving the office in order to gain more experience in an exporter's office.

本人希望在出口公司能获得更多的经验,故愿转职。I am desirous of leaving the office in order to gain more experience in an exporter‘s office.

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本人希望在出口公司能获得更多的经验,故愿转职。I am desirous of leaving the office in order to gain more experience in an exporter’s office.

如果目前在公司内部难以转职,无法摆脱单调乏味的工作,你可以在外面寻求新的挑战。If getting out of your comfort zone isn't possible in your current company, look for a challenge elsewhere.

与已转职的旧同事保持联系,当你想转职时,他们可能帮得上忙。Keep in touch with coworkers who left to join other organizations. They may help if you wish to change jobs.

与已转职的旧同事保持联系。当你想转职时,他们可能帮得上忙。Keep in touch with coworkers who left to join other organizations. They many help if you wish to change jobs.

如果不幸,你正处在这一环节中,你还可以采取有效的方法改进,或者转职去谋另一份工作。if unfortunately, you are in this part, you can also take effective ways to improve, or change jobs to seek another job.

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加入你所在的行业的专业组织机构,这些人脉将有助于你或在你转职时提供帮助。Join professional organizations in your field. The contacts may help with your job and assist if you seek to change posions.

加入你所在行业的专业机构。这些人脉可能有助你工作或在你转职时提供帮助。Join professional organizations in your field. The contacts may help with your job and assist if you seek to change positions.

2011年初,我转职到美康北京校区,目前,我在哪里的工作内容是私教课程的讲授以及新课程的设计。I transferred to Mercan's Beijing campus at the beginning of 2011 where I currently teach private classes and design new lessons.

卓源离开飞虎队后,转职到CIB,与韦恩成为同袍,并与昔日的飞虎兄弟继光重逢。ZhuoYuan since leaving the flying tigers, turned to CIB, with Wayne as robe, and meet with former navy brother following the light.

获聘者并非公务员,并不会享有获调派、晋升或转职至公务员职位的资格。The appointees will not be civil servants and will not be eligible for posting, promotion or transfer to any posts in the civil service.

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获聘的应征者并非公务员,并不会享有获调派、晋升或转职至公务员职位的资格。Candidates appointed are not civil servants and will not be eligible for posting, promotion or transfer to any posts in the Civil Service.

我希望转职的原因是想有一个新的发展方向和扩展自己的接触层面。The reason why I wish to leave my present employer is that I hope to widen my experience and take a new turn in the development of my career.

只要您有就职或转职的愿望,无论何时何地都可以和我们取得联系,我们期待能为您提供优质便捷的服务。If you are seeking career opportunities, please contact us without hesitation. We are looking for providing excellent and convenient services for you.