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中华民国是一个自由的国家。R. O. C. is a free country.

台北是中华民国的首都。Taipei is the capital of R. O. C.

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显然,外省人爱中华民国国旗。Apparently, mainlanders love the ROC flag.

中华民国总统是由民选产生。The president of R. O. C. are selected by all voters.

船舶合于左列规定之一者,得申请登记为中华民国船舶。A ship may apply for registering as a ROC-flag ship if.

无论如何,我们来到官赫尔曼广场入手,中华民国国旗。Anyway, we went to Justin Herman Plaza toting ROC flags.

香港加入中华民国运动已得到全体泛民主派支持。Officially endorsed by the pro-democracy people in Hong Kong.

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宫门一版中华民国邮政下边为双线弧形。Republic of door of a version for the double arc postal below.

战后和平过程类似中华民国ROC和福尔摩沙之间的关系。In the post-war peace process between Formosans and ROC Chinese.

本人保证未具侨生身份且不具中华民国国籍。I declare that I do not hold overseas Chinese status or ROC citizenship.

中华民国北洋政府移植西方法律制度和原则以巩固军阀统治。The Beiyang government also introduced western law system to enforce its rule.

本人保证未具侨生身份且不具中华民国国籍。I guarantee that I do not hold overseas Chinese status or R. O. C. citizenship.

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要真的日本把钓鱼岛还给中华民国了,那可真就恶心了中华人民共和国了。If the japanese government return the island to ROC , it will be a shame for PRC.

在林诉美案下,台湾人遭受,被中华民国迫害的「充分恐惧」。Well-founded fear of ROC persecution of the Formosan nationality under Lin v USA.

孙中山当选为中华民国军政府大元帅。Sun Yat-sen wins an election for China republic military government generalissimo.

漫画家突发奇想,要以七十二变的孙悟空来象徵中华民国。One cartoonist symbolized the ROC with the loveable monkey king from Journey to the West.

超时工作报酬计算方式,依中华民国劳动基准法。Overtime payment shall be computed in accordance with the Labor Standards Law of R. O. C.

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一架中华民国空军的T-34教练机五月二十九日停在屏东县的一个河床上。An ROC Air Force T-34 training aircraft lies on a dry riverbed in Pingtung County, May 29.

本契约之解释与履行应以中华民国法律为准据法。This contract shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the R. O. C.

一九一二年一月一日孙中山就是在这里宣誓就任中华民国大总统的。It was here, on January I, 1912, that Sun Yat-sen took the oath as president of the republic.