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请证实。Please confirm.

你能否证实?Could you confirm?

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可是我们怎么证实这点呢?But how do we prove it?

那必定已被证实是真的了。It must have been true.

时间会证实我是对的。Tim would prov m right.

我可以证实的鞋码?Can i confirm shoe size?

小方,你来证实一下!Xiaofang, you will prove!

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我自己便能证实这一点。I can attest to that myself.

但这需要时间来证实。But it needs time to confirm.

这一套话证实完全是假的。The story proved quite false.

我们证实了那则报道。We have confirmed the report.

她提供的事实证实那证词是假的。Her facts blasted the evidence.

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请证实并解释原因。Please confirm and explain why.

时间会证实一切,笨女人!Time will explain all, dumb Dora!

经证实它还可以防肠癌。And this can prevent liver cancer.

他以行动证实了他的诺言。He vouched his words by his deeds.

我只是念证实一下我的念法。I am only want to confirm my idea.

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案件中发现的伤逝未被证实。The jury found the casenot proven.

你能用事实证实你的报道吗?Can you back your story with facts?

他的成功证实了他的能力。His success attests to his ability.