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小苗刚出土。The sprouts have just come up.

许多墓中都出土有竹弓。Bamboo bows were found in many tombs.

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这是在伊犁的特克斯县出土的。It was unearthed in Ili's Tekes County.

苗儿拱出土了。The young shoots have pushed the soil up.

图他卡门的陵墓,完好无缺地出土。The discovery of Tutankhamen's intact tomb.

我上星期播下的豆种还未出土。The beans I sowed last week haven't come up yet.

中国新出土恐龙化石有助了解人类听力进化过程。Chinese fossil find gives clue to ear's evolution.

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韩佳,这也是广陵王墓出土的文物吧。Han Jia, this must be an artifact from the tomb too.

你看,这些是在瑶里出土的瓷器碎片。Look, these are porcelain shards unearthed in Yaoli.

附近曾经出土过最古老的石磨盘。The most ancient millstone was unearthed just nearby.

这些加农炮与2008年被发现并于去年出土。The cannons were found in 2008 and recovered last year.

这些兵佣有待出土、修复。These armored figures await excavation and restoration.

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定陵,到目前为止唯一出土的明朝陵墓。Dingling- the only one of the Ming Tombs excavated so far.

汉代盘螭蒲纹璧1974年出土,为一级文物。Pan Wen Chi Po Han Choi, unearthed in 1974 for the objects.

西夏铜官印1983年出土,为一级文物。Xixia Tongguanshan India unearthed in 1983 for the objects.

它们是在哪儿出土的以及你在哪儿可以参观到这些出土文物?Where were they unearthed and where can you go and see them?

这个古墓里出土了很多精美的随葬品。Many exquisite funerary objects were extracted from this grave.

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有些器皿在出土时已经残破。Some utensils were in a state of decay when they were unearthed.

出土的一些文物表明北京猿人已发现了如何生火。Findings indicate that Peking Man had discovered how to make fires.

不断出土的考古文物新发现引起了全世界的注意。New discoveries keep turning up there, drawing worldwide attention.