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比分交替上升。The score seesawed.

走好运与倒霉交替发生。Good times alternate with bad.

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新旧交替时代在向前。New old alternative ages at forward.

开始交替鼻孔呼吸。Start with alternate nostril breathing.

交替旋入六角头螺栓。Screw in hexagon-head bolts alternately.

交替引用数据的其他技术Other techniques for cross-referencing data

新旧交替的时代造就多元的思想。The turn of the age gestates various ideas.

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尝试舒缓的鼻孔交替呼吸法。And try soothing alternate-nostril breathing.

他学会两手交替使用爬下树。He learned to climb the tree hand under hand.

长丝纱的一段为S捻,一段为Z捻,两种捻向交替排列。The filament strand alternates S and Z twist.

在交替行上添加一个背景色。Adding a background color on alternating rows.

我是否有种感觉,正在交替地过着另外一种生活?Do I have a sense of alternative lives? Ummm-a.

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用交替槽去创造一些很有创造力的连段。Use the cross guage to create a creative combo.

交替放置肉丁和红辣椒片。Alternate cubes of meat and slices of red pepper.

事件流的交替和例外是很正常的。These alternates and exceptions are quite normal.

交替放置肉丁和红辣椒片。Alternate cubes of meat with slices of red pepper.

两条腿交替向前挪步,一次挪一英寸。Alternating and moving my feet one inch at a time.

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这里曾有过僧、道交替的历史。Here there had been monks, said alternate history.

不要总用这台泵,要与那台交替使用!Don't use this pump too much, use that one instead.

不要总用这台泵,要与那台交替利用!Donat use this pump too much, use that one instead.