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本•罗杰斯家的干草棚里。In Ben Rogers' hayloft.

男娃子们在干草棚里。De boys up in de hayloft.

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你的茆草棚或你的木桶。Because thy humble cottage, or thy tub.

现在,在这干草棚里,他的心跳开始缓慢下来。Now, in the hayloft, his heart began to slow.

草棚里燕子嘁嘁的鸣叫。The swallow twitt'ring from the straw-built shed.

茅草棚上燕子的细语呢喃。The swallow twittering from the straw-built shed.

茅草棚上燕子的细语呢喃。Thee swallow twittering from the straw-built shed.

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那间草棚已变成了一堆发着亮光的灰烬。The shed was already a heap of embers glowing fiercely.

这时候草棚外的喧扰也已经扩大。By now the sound of angry voices outside had become louder still.

居草棚,卧稻草,乐于食草,安于辛劳。Habitat hut, lying on straw, grass happy, content with hard work.

当太阳出来,农场主就会制作干草,并放到草棚中保存起来。The farmer makes hay while the sun shines, and stores it in the huts.

我记得我和我哥哥,还有几个堂兄弟在他家的干草棚里玩得很起劲。I remember an athletic romp in his hayloft with my brother and some of the cousins.

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这个方圆2.5公顷的岛上有野餐桌、草棚屋,甚至还有一家咖啡店。The island's 2.5 hectares include picnic tables, straw huts and even a small coffee shop.

科莱站在维莱特庄园高高的草棚上,瞪着眼睛看着计算机的显示器,惊奇不已。High in the hayloft at Chateau Villette, Collet stared at the computer monitor in amazement.

在不同的海拔,普通的农主都有几个草棚,每一个都有几堆干草围绕。The average farmer has a few huts at various altitudes, each surrounded by small hay fields.

草棚-覆盖有树皮或柴枝做的草席的构架棚子,由北美洲的游牧土著人建立。A frame hut covered with matting , as of bark or br ush, used by nomadic Native Americans of North America.

他住在小草棚中,又饥又寒,已经失去身体的知觉,不省人事。The Master stayed in a tiny hut and suffered from hunger and cold. Finally he lost consciousness and fainted.

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完成了皇宫上的飞檐,入晚回家的石工,大约是回到一个比尖屋还不如的草棚里。The mason who finishes the cornice of the palace returns at night perchance to a hut not so good as a wigwam.

劳动人民却住在黑暗,不卫生的旧建筑和泥泞小道上的草棚中。For the working people there were only dark, unhealthy rooms in old buildings and huts on narrow muddy streets.

Simon蹑手蹑脚从干草棚的梯子上下来,这三个人已经象在壁炉前的老狗一样,打起了鼾。As Simon came quietly down the hayloft ladder, the three men were already snoring like old dogs before a fireplace.