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我并非生来就是一个性情温和的人。I was not born mild.

他性情急躁。He has an edgy temper.

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她性情很平各。She has a calm temper.

他性情急躁。He is ardent in temper.

她性情急躁。She is quick in temper.

看来我还是一个性情中人呀。I am still a sensitive guy.

她的性情好。She has a good disposition.

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她性情温和。She is mild in disposition.

他是一个性情平静的人。He is a man of equable temper.

他性情易兴奋。He is excitable by temperament.

我们不喜欢他刻毒的性情。We do not like his acrid temper.

她的性情不温柔。She has an unamiable disposition.

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狄拉克性情古怪、难于相处。Dirac was an odd and difficult man.

她唯一的可贵之处是温文尔雅的性情。Her only asset was a gentle nature.

这个孩子性情温和。The child had a placid disposition.

布什是性情中人怎么翻中英语?。Bush is a person in the middle of sex?

他是个性情平和的人。He is a man of an equable temperament.

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他是个性情含蓄的男子。He is a man of undemonstrative nature.

它是三种中性情最温和的。It is the most inoffensive of the three.

最后,我渴望练就温文尔雅的性情。Then, last of all, I desiderate urbanity.