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准确的计算出或然率。I don't know how to calculate probability accurately.

一个理由是或然率蒙蔽了他们的视线。One reason is that probabilism blinkered their vision.

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如果我们以或然率来想像未来,风险看起来很安全。If we imagine the future in terms of probabilities, then risks look safe.

关键的问题是相等的或然率加上理性的群众,出来的往往是必然的想法。The key problem is that equating probabilism with reason crowds out consequential thinking.

用或然率的方式想像通常得到所有行动都很安全的结论。Thinking in terms of probabilities will usually lead to the conclusion that most actions are safe.

活动结束前有抽奖活动,我将我的5张抽奖券全都投注到一礼盒以求较高的或然率。Near the end of the day was the lucky draw. I placed 5 tickets on one basket to have a better chance of winning.

模糊理论可包含上述方法,如或然率,数学逻辑,测度理论。Fuzzy logic theory overlaps with the above methods and with the probability, mathematical logic, and measure theory.

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确定晚期发展为深部感染并随后需要较大手术的累积或然率。The cumulative probabilities for the later development of deep infection and major subsequent surgery were determined.

我们以向量分解及或然率的方法在双重迴讯磁振造影中将一个脑瘤作分割界限的工作报告出来。We report the segmentation of a brain tumor on dual-echo MR images using a combined vector decomposition and probability method.

应通过系统设计使发生上述具有潜在严重放射后果的事故的或然率非常小。The probability of accidents with potentially serious radiological consequences referred to above shall be kept extremely small by virtue of the design of the system.

我们的政府和制度几乎总是在「不要致力于想像可能性」这件事上有既得利益,代以或然率这种剧本来当缓和的辩解。Our governments and institutions almost always have a vested interest in not engaging in possibilistic thinking, and in offering us instead the reassuring palliative of probabilistic scenarios.