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谁会要偷40多年的老悬案的证据啊?Evidence was stolen from a 40-year-old cold case?

也许那并非一宗历史的悬案,而只是一段反讽。Perhaps more than an ambiguity, it was an irony of history.

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这宗谜案也可能和许多其他网络悬案一样,成为人们心中永远的问号。That hacking mystery, like so many others, may go unsolved.

单纯枚举归纳问题到今天依旧是悬案。The problem of induction by simple enumeration remains unsolved to this day.

身为法院的一名人类学家,我有查看过往悬案的特权。As a forensic anthropologist, to review the ultimate cold case is a privilege.

当然,关于这件悬案,说法颇多,大多是为兔子鸣不平。Certainly hang a case concerning this, parlance rather many, mostly is a rabbit Ming gravamen.

现在,这部电影粉丝们想知道的是导演对于这个未解的悬案给出了什么样的答案。Now, movie fans want to know what, if any, answers the director has regarding the unsolved case.

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这使得它们成为了科学家在研究人类数代以前祖先中的一个极端悬案。That makes them an extremely cold case for scientists studying our many-times great grandparents.

另一些韩国未解悬案早已被搬上了大荧幕并且都取得了不俗的成绩。Other major unsolved crimes in South Korea have been already made into movies and achieved success.

由于某种轻巧的幽默,就可以使当时的气氛为之改观,使陷于僵局的悬案豁然解决。For some light humor, can make the atmosphere of the time to change, make the stalled suddenly solve unsolved.

这场“私生子悬案”据称发生在贾斯汀去年在洛杉矶的演唱会后台。The conception allegedly went down backstage after one of Justin’s concerts at the Staples Center in Los Angeles.

还有一件悬案,或者说是ipad2的杀招,即ipad2究竟具有多少内存,当我知道官方数据,我即立即更新数据,再次PK!And the jury's still out in regards to how much memory the iPad 2 has, so I'll update this list once we get official confirmation.

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毛文龙的功过是非是一桩历史悬案,时至今日,仍有论者认为毛文龙驻守皮岛有功。As regards to Mao's merit and demerit, a historical unsettled case, so far credit is still given to Mao's contribution in garrisoning Pi Island.

警方不一定能把凶手绳之以法,可能因为证据有限,或是失去线索,案件可能最终成为一宗悬案。The police do not always catch murderers. The evidence may be too limited, or the trail may run out of leads. The pursuit may end in a cold case.

二百多年的历史中,清朝宫廷里有许多扑朔迷离的事件因种种原因被统治者极力的掩盖起来,成了历史的悬案。Two hundreds ago, so many whirling events , which were covered up by the governors in the Qing Dynasty for a variety of reasons, became cases of pendency.

而后,鲍尔斯宣布他的小组怀疑艾玛·史密斯是被谋杀的,决定将对这桩悬案开展代号为“斯特拉顿行动”的重新调查。Afterwards, Bowles announced that his team had decided to carry out a cold case review, codenamed Operation Stratton, on the suspected murder of Emma Smith.

身为法院的一名人类学家,我有查看过往悬案的特权。一开始,我坚信卡尔。费恩海姆就是我们要找的连环杀手,因为他的侧写与凶手相符。As a forensic anthropologist, to review the ultimate cold case is a privilege. Initially, I thought Carl Feigenbaum was that serial killer. His profile fit.

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但是,在这场撞击悬案中,得出“另一颗彗星”是这次事件的元凶的结论似乎有点玄乎。However, in this cosmic game of whodunit, jumping to the conclusion that "another" comet was to blame for the 2009 impact turns out to have been a red herring.

去年夏天,我的转会一直悬案未决,我不知道会发生什么事,我以优越的状态完成了赛季,尽管我只完成了两个完整的赛季。Last summer there was certain indecision and I did not know what was going to happen. I finished up playing well, though. I have had two quite complete seasons.

尽管帕米尔问题是帝国主义列强侵略与扩张的结果,但清政府对帕米尔悬案的形成也难辞其咎。Though Pamir issue is the result of imperialist invasion and expansion, the Qing Government can not escape being blamed for the formation of the unsettled case.