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我需要一副耳机。I need a headset.

请给我一副耳机。May I have a headset?

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换一个头戴式耳机吧。Use a headset instead.

一种播放器,一种耳机。One player, one headphone.

我的新收音机耳机。It's my new radio earphone.

这是我新的耳机收音机。It's my new radio earphone.

这个耳机有故障了。This earphone is not working.

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立体声耳机和立体声。Stereo headphones and stereos.

他们都带上耳机。They've got the headphones on.

我能够有一个耳机吗?Can I have an earphone, please?

能给我一副耳机吗?Could I get a headset?-Certainly.

如果你必须做,,就打开头戴的耳机。If you have to, put on headphones.

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你能帮我看看这个耳机吗?Can you help me with this earphone?

你想要一副耳机吗?Would you like a pair of earphones?

打电话的时候要用耳机吗?Should you use a hands-free headset?

好吧。我把耳机戴上。All right.I will put the earphone on.

能否给我一副耳机,好吗?Could I maybe get that headset, please?

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戴上耳机,聼聼那伤感的音乐。Put on headphones, listen to sad music.

火星人的耳机已经造出来了。The Martian headphones are already made.

每个人要戴着耳机才能通话。Everybody wears earphones to communicate.