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这或许是因袭他们过去的传统吧。So perhaps this is just keeping with tradition.

他们非常鄙视因袭。They have a great contempt for conventionality.

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但是这只是一种因袭的文人自负而已。But this is only a conventional literary conceit.

他们被因袭主义的枷锁所束缚。They were bound up in fetters of conventionalism.

这套新款服装因袭了18世纪的款式。This new dress is the stylized design of the 18th century.

话音刚落,Swain和Apple被推搡倒在地上,并告知因袭警和妨碍公务被逮捕。They were told had been arrested on assault and obstruction charges.

中国古代的文学艺术理论,历来反对因袭模仿,而崇尚新奇、独创之美。Chinese ancient literature theory has been revering original creativity instead of imitation.

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直到最近,正规教育因袭的仍然是一?套拒绝接受这种学习模式的陈规陋习。Up until recently, the history of formal education has been a series rejections of this learning model.

在古文写作上强调文从字顺,反对因袭模仿。In the writing of old prose he approved of the naturalness and fluency and disapproved of the imitation.

古典诗词中意象因袭是很常见的现象,被频繁袭用的意象已演变为公共意象。The coped images are common in the classical poetry. Images frequently followed by have become the public images.

当某事更新是因袭的,你有必要去使其就像因袭的。我敢说这样的话工作就会做好的。When updating something so Iconic, you need to make something just as iconic. I'd say a job well done on this one.

我国的各种文体的形成与发展,都或多或少的因袭着神话的影响,小说也不例外。Each kind of literary style formation and the development of our country follow the influence of myth more or less.

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从整体来看,姜夔的诗歌作品既有对时代风气的因袭,更主要的则表现为超越。Overall, Jiang Kui's poetry works both the inheritance trend of the times, but more importantly. it demonstrated beyond.

不利吞人语是他的母语,这种语言与古老的爱尔兰语言有一点相似,因袭,帕特里克很快就可以流利的说爱尔兰语了。His native language was Brythonic, which was still somewhat similar to Archaic Irish, so Patrick soon spoke Irish as well.

在这部书中,德沃金批判了因袭主义和法律实用主义的法律观,提出了作为整体性的法律观。In this book, Dworkin has criticized the legal concept of conventionalism and legal pragmatism and put forward the law as integrity.

已经被群体公认的并因袭的那些道德的与不道德的本性,各出自哪几种先天的素质?What are the native qualities and characteristics upon which the moral or immoral character accepted and conventionalized by the group are based?

凭其伟大的传统、因袭声誉及其非凡的300000校友网,哈佛的潜力前所未有。With its great tradition, its iconic reputation, its remarkable network of300,000 alumni, Harvard has never had as much potential as it does now.

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凭其伟大的传统、因袭声誉及其非凡的300000校友网,哈佛的潜力前所未有。With its great tradition, its iconic reputation, its remarkable network of 300, 000 alumni, Harvard has never had as much potential as it does now.

我国高校道德教育模式因袭着社会本位的传统,缺乏对生命个体的精神关怀。Pattern of moral education of Chinese tertiary institution conventionalized tradition of society-departmentalism, lacking spirit concern to life individuals.

这种口头上的慷慨陈词实际上只是骗人的幌子而已,在它背后止是束缚世事、让人因袭守旧的不可动摇的习俗。Such verbal generosities were in fact only a humbugging disguise of the inexorable conventions that tied things together and bound people down to the old pattern.