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⑤公告风险控制制度。Fifth, post risk-control system.

他在布告板上贴了一张公告。He posted a bulletin on the board.

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论坛公告发布区会员请详读。Please all members read the notice.

他们看了我们的公告肯定傻了眼。That announcement sure blindsided them.

政府公告、指南和报告。Government Publications, Guides, Reports

参阅公告WPV-1,了解更多的信息。See Bulletin WPV-1 for more information.

这一公告将很快公之于众。The announcement would be made public soon.

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国玺加盖在公告上。The great seal is affixed to proclamations.

学院在布告牌上登公告。The institute advertised on a bulletin-board.

我建议同志们注意一下这个公告,谢谢合作。I advise you to pay attention of this affiche.

贵司是否有公告无刚果冲突矿物采购政策?。Do you have a DRC Conflict Free Policy in place?

这些词汇将用来对公告进行分类。These will be used to classify our announcements.

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站务公告,友谊链接,投诉发起等!Zhanwu notice, links, complaints and suggestions!

我们旳班级新闻公告板在后面旳墙壁上。On the back wall is our class News Bulletin Board.

放大的美国自然历史博物馆公告American Museum of Natural History Science Bulletins

你们必须要对公告回应吗?Student Is it,bulletins that you have to respond to?

该公司公告内容未言及高庆昌死因。The company did not provide details about Gao's fall.

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该网站还附有公告,提醒读者短信内容露骨。The website carried a warning about explicit content.

装货集装箱一定要适当地被公告而且标示。Bulk containers must be properly placarded and marked.

但是为什么在波茨坦公告中仍然保持沉默呢?But then why remain silent in the Postdam declaration?