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还因为你的小腿肚的抽搐。And because your calf twitches.

他感到有粒子弹击中了他的小腿。He felt a bullet hit his shank.

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第二枪打中了她妻子的小腿。The second hit his wife's calf.

他小腿肚肌肉拉伤。He suffered a pulled calf muscle.

在野外小腿骨折怎么处理?How is outdoors crus fracture handled?

小腿抽筋引起小腿肌肉疼痛?。Does crus cramp cause crus muscle ache?

脚尖的方向和小腿在一条直线上。Place your feet in line with your shins.

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小腿肌肉部分肿起怎么治疗?How is bloat of crus muscle part treated?

然后鱼去工作,一点一点地轻咬脚趾和小腿。The fish then went to work, nibbling away.

其中一个女孩正在为他擦拭着小腿。One of the nymphs rubs her calf with a cloth.

这有赖于你的小腿和造型你的屁股。This builds your calves and sculpts your butt.

小腿骨折啥时可以剧烈运动啊?When crus fracture what OK and violent campaign?

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小日子的小腿肌肉有点小伤。Yury Zhirkov has a tight calf muscle and is out.

在你躺下时让你的小腿暖和些。Apply heat over your lower legs when you lie down.

同时测量大腿、小腿的周长。Shank and thigh circumferences were also measured.

今年,就用羊小腿来做你的复活节羊肉吧!This year, think shank when you think Easter lamb.

不能穿短袜套光小腿。Should not wear short socks, always wear stockings.

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埃布埃是不确定的,因为他的小腿有点问题。There is a doubt about Eboue who has done his calf.

然而敌人的子弹还是击中了石磊的小腿。Yet the enemys bullets hit the calf on the shi lei.

一名女性展示小腿和脚上的多彩纹身。A convention-goer displayed the tattoos on her legs.