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他对抢劫案经过的陈述漏洞百出。His account of the robbery won't hold water.

都是假的——就是一场戏,还是漏洞百出的。This is all fake — a drama, and a crude one.

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这个论点前后矛盾,漏洞百出。This is an argument shot through with inconsistency.

首先,数十年来我们的边境早已漏洞百出。To begin with, our borders have been porous for decades.

殊不知自身漏洞百出早已呈老态龙钟之态。Not knowing their own flaws is already doddering attitude.

这类的文章在面对批评性的质疑时总会漏洞百出。Such articles would be more than fluff if they answered critical questions.

美国的医保价格昂贵而又漏洞百出,这更加剧了其他问题。America's costly but leaky health-care system aggravates several other problems.

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一开始字里行间就漏洞百出,猫声鸟居然把夜莺啄得铩羽而归。Even from the first, the words went wrong, the catbird pecked away the nightingale.

记得适可而止,别让我捅破那张早已漏洞百出的纸。Remember to stop, do not let me pierce the paper goes on already full of loopholes.

聂幕的数码绘画是其他绘画的合并,每一幅都漏洞百出。Nie Mu's digital paintings are amalgamations of other paintings, each full of holes.

从这些漏洞百出的数据求出来的全球气温平均值是有误差的,或者说是均化的。Extrapolating a global average from such data involves an amount of tinkering—or homogenisation.

美国漏洞百出的移民体系已经引得众人批评,而H-2B工作签更是招来各方非议。Like much of America's rickety immigration system, the H-2B programme draws scorn from all sides.

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一些科学家对美国宇航局在一篇漏洞百出的论文中倾注大量心血而感到疑惑。Some scientists are left wondering why NASA made such a big deal over a paper with so many flaws.

我写过许多漏洞百出的小说,我甚至都不会多此一举地用它们去投稿参加比赛。I’ve written short stories which were so flawed I never evenbothered submitting them to competitions.

安迪在公司安排工作,员工刘思明做的策划案漏洞百出,安迪恼怒的给他施加压力。Andy to arrange work in the company, workers do si-ming liu plot loopholes, Andy put pressure on him angrily.

他还表示,“私人医疗保险这一产物漏洞百出,它好比一把雨伞,反倒让雨水淹没了。He also noted that “private health insurance is a defective product, akin to an umbrella that melts in the rain.

怎么会没人知道他在这儿,为什么他们这么快就把他埋了?都是假的——就是一场戏,还是漏洞百出的。How come no one knew he was here and why did they bury him so quickly? This is all fake — a drama, and a crude one.

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此外,管理绝不会成为专业,那种基于可以称其为专业的假设本身即是漏洞百出。Moreover, management can never be a profession, and policies predicated on the assumptionthat it can are inherently flawed.

确实,经过多年的拼拼补补和考虑不周的修订,法定移民体制已像我们的边境一样漏洞百出。Indeed, after years of patchwork fixes and ill-conceived revisions, the legal immigration system is as broken as the borders.

这位23岁球员是我们的目标,郁闷的我们希望在这个月的转会窗加强漏洞百出的后防线。The 23-year-old is a target for Lazio, who are desperate to strengthen their leaky backline during this month's transfer window.