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在那杨柳依依的树阴。All under the willow-tree.

在家里,在你翡翠的树阴中At home, in your emerald bowers

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我们在树阴下休息一会儿吧。Let's rest a while in the shade.

他在树阴下歇了一会儿。He took a rest in the shade of a tree.

他们坐在树阴下玩耍。They are playing in the shade of a tree.

他们坐在树阴下乘凉。They are sitting in the shade of a tree.

他们躺在一棵树的树阴下。They lay down under the shade of a tree.

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萤火虫一样飞在朦胧的树阴?As a firefly in the hazy shade of a tree?

我们只能站在树阴低下飞。We can only fly low shade of a tree stand.

这些旅行者在树阴下露宿。The travellers camped under the shade of trees.

一个有野餐桌和树阴的公园似乎更好。A park with picnic tables and shady trees might be better.

推车有遮阳蓬,如果不能找到树阴,就带把遮阳伞。If you can't find a shady spot to sit, put up an umbrella.

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据称,这棵树的树阴很大,在全世界位居第二。It is claimed to have the second largest canopy in the world.

欢迎它来到正午的树阴下,像毕达格拉斯一样below Grottaglie welcomes the winter into noontime shade, and

我在快乐时想你,就像郧尉阳下想树阴。I miss you when I feel happy just as I miss the shade inthe hot sun.

泉眼无声惜细流,树阴照水爱晴柔。Silent spring cherish trickle, according to love clear water shade supple.

我的树阴献给过客,我的果实则要献给我等候的人。The shade of my tree is for passersby, its fruit for the one for whom I wait.

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树阴下非常清凉,爱玛觉得这一天就数这段时间最快活。The shade was most refreshing, and Emma found it the pleasantest part of the day.

我们拿出准备好的三明治和水,开始在树阴下野餐。We took out the sandwiches and water, and had our picnic in the shade under the trees.

在使用冷冻箱时,应放置在树阴或阴凉处以避免直射阳光。When using a cooler, keep it out of the direct sun by placing it in the shade or shelter.