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牛毛细雨下了一整夜。It drizzled throughout the night.

牛毛细雨已下了好几个小时了。The rain has been drizzling down for hours.

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脉管纹极细,呈绞丝状如牛毛。Fine vascular pattern, such as ox hair was twisted filaments.

观赏植物包括粗草、蒲苇、牛毛草等。Ornamental grass such as mondo grass, pampas grass, blue fescue, etc.

春雨,像牛毛,像花针,像细丝,密密地斜织着。Spring, like hairs, like a flower pin, like filaments densely twill weave.

因为世界上的成功着微乎其微,平庸者多余牛毛就是最好的说明。Because succeed in the world extremely minute, a surplus ox hair is the best elucidation.

为提高耗牛毛在纺织业上的利用价值,本文将酶减量加工的工艺应用于耗牛毛进行研究。For the purpose to increase the usability of yak hair, an enzymic process had been applied to it.

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随着令人沮丧的经济消息如牛毛细雨滴滴不懈,肯定还有更多的阵痛接踵而来。And more pain there will surely be, as the unremitting drizzle of depressing economic news this week made clear.

这件手工缝制的独一套西装取自北极圈内的麝香牛毛和南美洲的极品骆马毛。It took more than 80 hours to make one-off the suit from Arctic wool, qiviuk, and rare South American wool, vicuna.

而后还要将牛尾、牛毛、牛血送到瘗坎掩埋,象征不忘祖先茹毛饮血之意。Then even will oxtail, venues, cattle blood to Yi candy buried, the symbol of the RuMaoYinXie meaning not forgotten ancestors.

每件这样的西服布料都是用稀有丝绸混合着喜马拉雅披肩、麝香牛毛和骆马毛,并且用金和白金做的线,一次性连接而成。Each suit will be a one-off creation made from gold and platinum threads, the rarest silks and a blend of Himalayan Pashmina, Qiviuk and Vicuna.

经内部试用效果良好,对于稻草、鸭舌草、野慈菇、牛毛草、眼子菜等几种主要杂草防治效果达85-100%左右。Through tryout, its effect is good. Its preventing and weeding out effect reaches about 85-100 for some major weeds, such as straw, wild arrowhead grass, etc.

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以猪毛、羊毛、牛毛、马毛、鸡毛、鸭毛、人发等动物角蛋白质为原料,用本发明专一性可从角蛋白质酸性水解液所分离的氨基酸产品中获得高收得率。It uses animal keratin including pig hair, cattle hair, sheep hair, horsehair, chicken feather, duck feather and human hair as raw material, and obtain high yield of the amino acids.