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英国在援外方面作出了多少贡献?。How much foreign aid does Britain give?

根据新的援外法案的条文,你可以这样做。You can do so under the provisions of a new foreign aid bill.

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这个问题已经使援外人员颇伤了一个时期的脑筋。This problem had nagged the consciousness of foreign aid people for some time.

通过援外工程队,柳工产品渐渐被广大第三世界国家认可。Through foreign aid project teams, Liugong product gradually recognized the Third World countries.

在武装部队缩减的时代,美国转而求助私营公司履行军事援外工作。In era of shrinking armed forces, America turns to private firms to carry out foreign military aid.

早在20世纪70年代初期,柳工就开始为中国援外工程项目提供产品。In the early 20th century, the early 70s, Liugong began to provide products of Chinese foreign aid projects.

此外,对外承包劳务和援外工作也有很大发展。Moreover, great developments have also been made in overseas contracted labor services and foreign aid work.

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救援组织“美国援外社”的萨宾娜•沃克说不少农民同样缺少资金雇佣犁地的人。Sabine Sabina Wilke of the aid group group CARE says many also lack the money to hire help to prepare the land.

国营西江船厂为柬埔寨建造的多艘援外船,全船水泵采用喷涂SEBF防腐技术。SEBF anticorrosion technology is used on all pumps on many ships built by state-run Xijiang Shipyard for Cambodia.

他山之石可以攻错,藉国际趋势可以检讨台湾援外政策与执行面的改善空间。To better understand international trend and practice on foreign aid will enhance Taiwan's policy making and practice.

以我的预感,援外汇款合作组织和葛瑞格·摩顿生先生在给阿富汗带来和平方面比奥巴马不断增加的军队要有效的多。And my hunch is that CARE and Mr.Mortenson are doing more to bring peace to Afghanistan than Mr.Obama's surge of troops.

以我的预感,援外汇款合作组织和葛瑞格·摩顿生先生在给阿富汗带来和平方面比奥巴马不断增加的军队要有效的多。And my hunch is that CARE and Mr. Mortenson are doing more to bring peace to Afghanistan than Mr. Obama’s surge of troops.

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首先,若论及各国援外方面对世界做出的贡献,欧盟居功至伟。因此在非洲、亚洲部分地区和中东,它都具有相当的影响力。For a start the union is the world's biggest aid donor, which gives it great sway in Africa, parts of Asia and the Middle East.

援外建筑物标识上方为中国结图案,下方为“中国援助”的外文译文。In the upper part of the foreign aid building sign lies the design of Chinese knotting, below which is the foreign language for "China Aid".

二是我国机床出口以援外为主,以出口到香港地区、东南亚及东欧等市场为主。Two is China's export machine to give priority to export to care, Hong Kong area, southeast Asia and eastern Europe and other market mainly.

经常帐反映商品与服务的交易、股票与债券投资的流通以及如援外支付款等单向货币的移转等。The current account reflects trade in goods and services, the flow of stocks and bonds investment and one-way currency transfers such as foreign aid payments.

生产的压力钢管曾用于援外工程项目布隆迪共和国穆杰雷、卡因集等水电站。Our penstock were once used in aiding engineering projects for foreign countries, such as Mugere and Kain Hydropower Station projects in the Republic of Burundi.

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是目前宁波市仅几家同时拥有进出口经营权、援外物资权和外经工程权的“三外”企业之一。Moreover, It is authorized by the National Ministry of the Commerce the qualification to implement the foreign-aid project and the international contract project.

本文在系统总结现有成果的基础上,从援外工程业主的角度,对工程项目的风险评估方法进行研究。The dissertation, in the owner's point of view, focuses on the quantative evaluation method of risk in engineering projects on the basis of current research work.

昨日记者从论坛筹备会议了解到,目前已确定有20个国家部长级官员来长,届时,国家商务部将把“中国杂交水稻技术援外培训中心”授予湖南企业隆平高科。It was reported yesterday from the preparatory meeting of the forum that ministerial officials from 20 countries have been confirmed to attend the forum in Changsha.