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这块儿地被灌木覆被。The land is covered in shrubs.

坝上地区土地利用与覆被变化对土壤养分的影响。Effect of land use and land cover on soil nutrients.

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在动物细胞中的溶酶体的单层膜覆被着。Lysosomes Lysosomes in animal cells are bounded by a single membrane.

主要原因是地面覆被严重破坏。The main cause of sand storms is that vegetation has been badly damaged.

坝上地区土地利用与覆被变化对土壤养分的影响。Soil nutrients not only have spatial variability, but also change with the time.

驱动土地覆被变化的主导因素是人类经济活动对自然资源的不合理利用。The drive factor is local economic action, which use natural resource immoderately.

结果表明,南沙土地覆被类型以耕田、水体为主。The result indicated that the Nansha land cover types mainly are farm land and water.

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结果表明,模型本身对地表覆被条件的敏感性远大于气候条件。It proves that TOPMODEL parameter is more sensitive to the land-use and land-cover change than climate change.

土地覆被是近年来生态环境监测和研究的一个热点问题。Land cover has been one of popular questions on monitoring and research of ecological environment in recent years.

给运用TOPMODEL模型虚拟地表覆被变化情况下的水文循环提供了论证。The conclusion provokes a cogent demonstrate to dummy the hydrological circle under fictitious land-cover by TOPMODEL.

别墅的外部水抛光的白色大理石覆被选为故意焕发轻轻像希腊雕塑的造型。The villa's exterior water-polished white marble cladding was chosen purposely to glow softly like the Greek sculptures.

在每个子流域中通过遥测土地利用信息与水保工程资料来考虑了土地利用与覆被变化的影响。The influence of the land use and cover change is considered from remote sensing and water and soil conservation project data.

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稻草覆盖和自然覆被是解决红壤丘陵区季节性干旱的有效措施。Straw mulching and sodding culture are two kinds of effective measures to solve the problem of the seasonal drought in red soil region.

从土地覆被类型变化率的角度,水田和公交建设用地变化最快,动态度分别为-8.61和5.17。In terms of changing rates of land covers, paddy field and transportation land change most quickly, and their dynamic degrees are-8.61 and 5.17.

探讨了概念性水文模型TOPMODEL模型参数对地表覆被与气候条件变化的敏感性差异。The aim is to research the sensitivity analysis of a Conceptual hydrological model TOPMODEL to climate change and the land-use and land-cover change.

本文选取县级市湘乡市市域为研究区域,以土地利用现状数据库为基础,研究湘乡市的土地利用覆被变化。This article selected a county-level city-Xiangxiang City as the study area, based on land use database to research land use cover change in Xiangxiang.

从明初开始,明廷实行的一系列政策以及战争的干扰,使该区土地覆被发生了明显变化。From the beginning of Ming Dynasty, a series of policies executed by the government, wars and human activities had caused its land cover changed enormously.

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土地是人类生存和发展的最基本的资源,地球表层最突出的景观标志就是土地利用与土地覆被。Land is the most basic resources of human survival and development. the most outstanding landscape mark of the earth surface is land using and land covering.

景观生态效应主要表现在由于土地利用和覆被的变化产生了生境质量下降,土地退化、水土流失、气候变暖等后果。These changes made the environmental quality worse gradually, such as land degradation, soil erosion and water and soil losses, and temperature getting warmer.

在分析南方水土流失特征的基础上,对贴地表覆被保持水土效益作了系统评价。The article analyzed the feature of soil and water loss in southern region, and appraised systematically the effects of furring mulches on controlling soil and water losing.