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他们已经尝到了甜头。They’ve already tasted blood.

每天做眼保键操对眼睛有甜头。Itnos good to do eye exercises every day.

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此刻没几本儿书是低廉甜头的。Few of the books of air conditionercount are cheap now.

洛希尔醉心于保守理念带来的甜头儿。Rothschild is revelling in the fruits of its conservatism.

他的双唇甜如糖。男孩你耐心等待就有甜头尝。He got lips like sugar cane. Good things come for boys who wait.

如果我能给这家伙一点甜头,那我就会有一天的安宁了。If I can give the Cerberus a sop, I shall be at rest for one day.

我们开创了曼城的历史,但甜头还多着呢。We made a small piece of history for Manchester City. We start now.

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我易长痤疮,避孕药对皮肤有什么甜头呢?。I am prone to acne. What kind of effect will the pill have on my skin?

我们品尝这些味道就像初次接触到甜头和矿泉水的感觉。We all know what these taste like, from tastingblood and mineral water.

我已经尝到了研究与阅读,辩论与倾听的甜头。I've learned the benefit of research and reading, of debate and listening.

在此期间,你要是哪里不舒服,吞下一粒糖丸,尝点甜头,看来也蛮不错的。In the meantime, a sugar pill that can treat what ails ya is pretty sweet.

或者也许俄国人将会用跟多的甜头来重新夺回其市场份额。Or perhaps the Russians will sweeten the deal to get back their market share.

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那么既然每一个中间环节都能尝到甜头,为什么细菌就不为所动呢?And if each step is an advantage, then why don't we see any bacteria indulging?

所以,按时交稿或提前交稿,你可以赢得更多甜头。So, by delivering on time or early, you can score some major " brownie points".

我激动万分,我终于尝到了教科研的甜头。I got very excited, I finally tasted reaped the benefits of scientific research.

有些想尝点甜头的男人会跟朋友共用一个情人。Some men who want some variety engages in concubine “sharing” with their friends.

如果让劫机者尝到甜头,谁能说准他们的暴行会到什么地步才结束?If the hijackers are allowed to taste blood, who Can say where their fury will end?

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我尝到了更高佣金的甜头,于是到1975年的时候,我就只做房屋销售业务了。I was getting a taste for the higher commissions, and by 1975 I was doing only sales.

工人得到的少量的增加薪水只不过是一点点息事宁人的甜头。The small pay increase that the workers have just received is only a sop to Cerberus.

尝到甜头的她又开始打龙华的主意,她要求龙华签下协议。Taste she began to play the idea of longhua, she asked to longhua to sign the agreement.