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它是爆炸式的喷发。It’s an explosive eruption.

那座火山喷发了。The volcano sputters again.

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喷泉和火山均能喷发。Geysers and volcanoes erupt.

火山和间歇喷泉均能喷发。Volcanoes and geysers erupt.

富斯峰最近一次喷发是在1854年。Fuss Peak last erupted in 1854.

喷发后的圣海伦斯火山Mount St. Helens After Eruption

火山喷发出熔岩。The volcano spurted molten lava.

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它最后一次大喷发是在1918年。Its last major eruption was in 1918.

我们从来没见过这么巨大的冠状大喷发We've never seen a CME this enormous.

影片展示了这次显著的喷发。The movie shows the prominence erupting.

史载最后一次喷发发生于1846年。The last recorded eruption took place in 1846.

当你有压力时,主意就会喷发。Ideas come in spurts, until you get frightened.

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在北太平洋硫磺坑正在喷发。The erupting Brimstone Pit in the North Pacific.

间歇泉是一种间歇喷发的温泉。A geyser is an intermittently eruptive hot spring.

当地底下的压力生成时,岩浆喷发。Magma extravasated as pressure built under ground.

锡纳朋山的喷发非常突然。The eruption of Mount Sinabung came as a surprise.

一位科学家用“打了个饱嗝”来形容该次火山喷发。One scientist described the eruption as a "hiccup."

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据悉,该火山上一次喷发时间是19世纪20年代。The last time the volcano erupted was in the 1820s.

我们认为火山喷发出了同样的气体。We assume that volcanoes spewed out the same gasses.

喷发中的马荣火山,位于菲律宾境内。Located in the Philippines, the Mayon volcano erupts.