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那场大火使森林里的鸟兽濒临绝迹。The fire had depleted the game in the forest.

爱丽丝领着路,和这群鸟兽一起自岸边游去。Alice led the way, and the whole party swam to the shore.

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他们反对以猎杀鸟兽为乐,尤其是猎狐。They are against all blood sports, especially foxhunting.

红松因为自身的特点要依赖鸟兽完成天然更新。The regeneration of korean pinus must relies on birds and mammals.

我整夜都听见野生鸟兽发出的奇怪的声音。All night long I can hear the strange sounds of wild birds and animals.

他对鸟兽都如此仁慈,何况是对人呢?He is so kind even to birds and beasts. He must be more merciful to human beings.

实在是太冷了,连鸟兽们都不知该如何度过这寒夜了。So cold was it that even the animals and the birds did not know what to make of it.

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红山文化涌现出的玉器群,多数以鸟兽形为主体。Hongshan culture jade groups have emerged, most with birds and beasts as the main body.

“爪”字,是观察着鸟兽的爪印涂的……仓颉就是这样细心观察万事万物,辛辛苦苦造字。In this way, Cangjie observed all the things and events carefully and made the characters.

他选了各种各样干净的鸟兽作为供品,放在祭坛上奉献给上帝。He took ritually clean beasts and birds of every kind, and offered whole-offerings on the altar.

他选了各种各样洁净的鸟兽作为供品,放在祭坛上奉献给天主。He took ritually clean beasts and birds of every kind, and offered whole-offerings on the altar.

世界最古老的漫画、描绘了动物之幽默风趣的「鸟兽戏画」的金织锦缎。It is gold brocade of the oldest comics in the world, and the "wildlife cartoon"CHOUJUGIGA describing humorous animals.

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针对麻鸦展开的工作使它们有了大量的芦苇垫,所有的野生鸟兽也以此为优先。Focused work on bitterns has led to great gains for reed-beds and all the wildlife associated with this priority habitat.

有一幅画面上出现90个形态各异、生动活泼的仙人和鸟兽。In the painted design of one piece, there are 90 immortals, and birds and beasts with different postures and expressions.

那残留在天地间的浊气慢慢化作虫鱼鸟兽,替这死寂的世界增添了生气。That left in the heavens and the earth slowly turned into an aggregate of insects, fish, dead in the world for the angry added.

他要求不用埋葬他,但弟子们对大师的要求置之不理,因为他们坚持认为,这样的话,大师会被鸟兽吃掉的。He asked to be left unburied, but the disciples wouldn't hear of it, protesting that he would be eaten by the animals and birds.

岩画内容主要是人物、鸟兽,表现了图腾崇拜和贵州的古代生活。Theme often revolve around human figures, birds and animals, representing totem worship as well as the ancient Guizhou life style.

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在那里,我雇了政府的汽艇帮助我们完成旅程的最后一段,一段长约16公里,顺着湖水逆流而上到达贡贝鸟兽自然保护区的水路。There I hired the government launch to take us on the last stage of the journey-the 16 miles up the lake to the Gombe chimpanzee reserve.

对于那些吃虫子的鸟兽,我们所欠良多,但是他们全部合起来也只杀死了蜘蛛消灭数量的一部分。We owe a lot to the birds and beasts who eat insects but all of them put together kill only a fraction of the number destroyed by spiders.

日常生活中人们所习见的诸凡人物、花草、鸟兽,都成了剪纸的素材。Everything can become the theme of paper-cut, from people to the things that can be found in everyday life such as birds and flowers, animals and insects.