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生产的不烧砖在平炉钢包渣线上使用,取得了较好效果。The brick gained favorable application result in the ladle slag line.

我们须先烧砖和从林子里运来木材,然后才能修建。Before we could build we had to fire bricks and carry timber from the forests.

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每一块半烧砖都有着自己独特的形状和颜色,愈发显得房子美丽而迷人。This improve the beauty and charm of every single samel-brick regarding its own shape and color.

朱庇特提醒他,也许他会后悔做这个请求。驴执意。于是朱庇特使他被卖给了一个烧砖工。Jupiter, after warning him that he would repent his request, caused him tobe sold to a tile-maker.

是取代免烧砖机和水泥气块成型机的新型机械产品。It is the new-type engineering goods of replacing non- burningly machine and cement angry shaping machines.

我们可以通过它煮东西,铸金属工具,制作陶瓷,烧砖和驱动电厂。It also gave us the ability to cook food, forge metal tools, form pottery, harden bricks and drive power plants.

是生产免烧砖、空心砖、加气混凝土、砌块生产线设备的专业厂。Production Mian Shaozhuan, hollow bricks, aerated concrete, block production line of professional equipment factory.

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还有石匠用窑烧砖在东西和南北向的棋盘式街道边,建造多层的楼房。Masons employed kiln-fired brick to build multistory houses that were placed along north-south and east-west street grids.

国家禁止毁田烧砖,逐步禁止生产和使用实心粘土砖。The state prohibits the damage to farm land for brick-making, and gradually bans the production and use of solid clay brick.

本文就免烧砖机使用过程中若何防止和节制液压油的污染作了简要切磋。The article discussed brick machine without burning during use to prevent and control pollution of hydraulic oil briefly explored.

经济成本分析结果表明,用机械搅拌混合方式制作的免烧砖品质好、成本低。The result of economic cost analysis showed that a good quality unburned brick and low cost could be obtained by mechanical mixing.

本发明涉及无碳免烧砖及其生产方法,属于无机材料领域。The invention relates to a carbon-free unburned brick and a production method thereof, belonging to the field of inorganic materials.

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将再选全尾矿与水泥及当地建筑砂配合,可制备出强度达到MU10标准的尾矿免烧砖。The total tailings of re-concentration, when mixed with cement and local construction-use sand, can be made into MU10 unfired bricks.

河南天力重工机械有限公司专业生产免烧砖机系列产品,下面介绍天力重工免烧砖机详细介绍。Henan Tianli Heavy Machinery Co. , Ltd. specializes in producing Burning-free brick series, here Tianli Heavy Burning-free brick detail.

这种不烧砖在降低砖的石墨含量后,能够在高温真空冶炼条件下稳定使用。The unburned brick can be stably used under high-temperature vacuum melting conditions after the content of graphite in the brick is reduced.

采用压汞仪测孔方法得到相应孔分布曲线,利用分形理论分析了固化免烧砖的抗冻机理。And the distribution curves of bore is done by method of MIP, according to the fractal theory, the mechanism of the freeze resistance is analyzed.

河南天力重工机械有限公司专业生产免烧砖机系列产品,下面介绍天力重工粉煤灰免烧砖机介绍。Henan Tianli Heavy Machinery Co. , Ltd. specializes in producing Burning-free brick series, here Tianli Heavy ash Burning-free brick introduction.

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用于耐火、保温浇注料、预制件、火泥及修补料、可塑料不烧砖等的结合剂。As binding agent, used for fireproof heat insulation casting material, fabricated parts , fireclay and repairing material, plastic unburned brick etc.

河南天力重工机械有限公司专业生产免烧砖机系列产品,下面介绍天力重工免烧砖机的主要用途。Henan Tianli Heavy Machinery Co. , Ltd. specializes in producing Burning-free brick series, here Tianli Heavy Burning-free brick of the main purposes.

关于用建筑垃圾制免烧砖,郑州中阳机械设备有限公司向您推荐本厂的免烧砖机设备。On construction waste, zhengzhou ZhongYang made baking-free brick machinery equipment Co. , LTD to recommend you our baking-free brick machine equipment.