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所以需要好的跑鞋。So I need good running shoes.

下次挑双至少大半个号的跑鞋吧。Go up at least a half size next time.

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巧克力和跑鞋的销量节节攀升。Sales of chocolate and running shoes are up.

穿旧的跑鞋和袜子直到开始。Wear old running shoes and socks to the start.

我怎样才能知道更换跑鞋的时间?How do I know when to replace my running shoes?

该鞋本身就是一不同寻常的跑鞋。The shoe itself is an exceptional running shoe.

那么你怎样才能知道什么时候让你的跑鞋退休呢?So how do you know when shoes need to be retired?

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给你的孩子们买双不错的跑鞋怎么样?How about some very cool sneakers for your children?

当地人也知道这里的运动鞋和跑鞋很好。The locals know it well for like shoes and trainers.

如果你想拥有好的体型,就先别去买跑鞋。If you want to get in shape, don’t buy running shoes.

因此你真的只需要一双坚实的缓震型跑鞋就可以了。So you really only need a firm neutral-cushioned shoe.

专家说高级跑鞋甚至有可能会导致受伤。Fancy running shoes may even lead to injury, experts say.

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我听从了她的建议,出来的时候买了两双不同的跑鞋。I bought her story and walked out with two different pairs.

我的脚后跟总是从我买的每一双跑鞋里滑出来。My heel slips out of my running shoe with every pair I buy.

你会不会对价格昂贵的跑鞋更偏爱一点?Are you more or less satisfied with expensive running shoes?

这些小技巧能够让你的跑鞋更耐穿。Follow these tips for making your running shoes last longer.

本次赛事由顶级越野跑鞋品牌泰尼卡提供奖品。The event's prizes offered by top trail shoes brands Tecnica.

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这意味着对于绝大多数女跑友来说,这些跑鞋的脚后跟都太宽了。This means they are generally wide in the heel on most women.

你在购买跑鞋使会考虑哪些因素呢?What factors do you consider when shopping for running shoes?

他们目前最高级的跑鞋即将停产了。Their current top-of-the-range running shoe is being discontinued.