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它们整日繁忙。And they’re busy.

这几条路的交通很繁忙。The roads are busy.

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这是一条繁忙的主要公路。This is a busy main road.

你是一个可以应付繁忙工作的人吗?Are you a multi-tasked individual?

圣诞节时邮政总局十分繁忙。The GPO is very busy at Christmas.

村里的鱼市买卖繁忙。The village fish markets are busy.

我的二十岁是繁忙并且痛苦的。I was busy but miserable at twenty.

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在沙娜的情况下,沙娜是一个繁忙的妈妈。In Shana's case, Shana is a busy mom.

由于繁忙的工作我失去了自己的娱乐。I lost my relaxations for my busy work.

永不干涸的溪流,繁忙的磨坊。The never-failing brook, the busy mill.

这里有好多道路工程而且交通繁忙。There are a lot of roadworks and traffic.

这是这个城市最繁忙的管辖区。This is the busiest precinct in the city.

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我们中多有少人在繁忙的生活中忘记了这一点?How many of us in our busy lives forget this?

让我们从繁忙挤迫的城市中。Let us get away from the busy crowded cities.

所以,周末会非常繁忙。So yeah, I mean weekends are very, very busy.

这种繁忙的节奏意味着现金流转量很大。This busy pace accompanies lots of cash flow.

在这种情况下,一个连接始终是繁忙状态。In this scenario, one connection is always busy.

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但是在每天的某些时段,这里相当繁忙。It just gets quite busy at certain times of day.

凤凰城是美国第8大最繁忙的机场。Phoenix is the country's eighth busiest airport.

这个时候深南大道是深圳最繁忙的街道。Shennan Blvd is the busiest street at this time.