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第三天夜里便与世长辞。And the next night he died.

是的,这位流行天王也不幸与世长辞了。Yes, the King of Pop is dead as well.

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艾萨克·牛顿出生那年,伽利略与世长辞。Isaac Newton was born the year Galileo died.

而这只已知世界上最长寿的动物在研究人员计算它年轮的时候不幸与世长辞了。The animal died when the researchers counted its rings.

1954年,图灵在吃下了粘有有氰化物的苹果之后与世长辞。Turing died after eating an apple laced with cyanide in 1954.

然而就在这一刻传来了他父亲与世长辞的噩耗。But at this moment came on the death of his father passed away.

尽管如此,燃料电池驱动汽车的梦想仍不会与世长辞。Regardless, the dream of fuel cell-powered vehicles just won't die.

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1882年4月17日还在工作的他,两天以后与世长辞。He was still working on 17, April, 1882. He was dead two days later.

这位伟人与世长辞,全世界为之震动。The whole world was convulsed over the passing away of the great man.

我已经阅读了一些看似身体健康,却因心脏病与世长辞人们的文章。I have read of people that were in really good shape dying of heart attacks.

今天是世界音乐界的悲痛之日,灵魂乐的教父詹姆斯布朗与世长辞。Sad day for the world of music, the Godfather of Soul, James Brown has died.

2005年,利维与世长辞,享年93岁,麦道夫在他的葬礼上致了悼词。And when Levy died, in 2005, at 93, Madoff delivered a eulogy at the funeral.

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可惜他的海权王国并未完成,便与世长辞了。It was a pity that his sea power kingdom was not complete then he passed away.

被迫为这部影片效力的不仅有活着的人,还包括已经与世长辞的人。Dragooned into the service of this film are not merely the living, but the dead.

1855年3月31日,这位性格刚强、才华出众的女作家与世长辞,是年39岁。March 31, 1855, the high-character, talented writer, passed away, is 39 years old.

我任性地说,我好像更愿意现在的爸爸是一个已经与世长辞的爸爸。I willfulness that I seemed more willing to now the father is a father has passed away.

伯鲁乃列斯基于1946年与世长辞,他的墓被恭敬地建在主教堂的地下室里。Brunelleschi died in 1946. His grave was respectfully built in the crypt of the Cathedral of Florence.

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在与癌症抗争了这么多年之后,拖着被疾病摧残地凋零的身体和心智,与世长辞。After battling cancer for many years, cancer that crippled her young body and impaired her mind, she died.

20世纪最著名的童星秀兰·邓波儿·布莱克与世长辞,享年85岁。Shirley Temple Black, who was one of the most iconic child stars of the 20th century, has died. She was 85.

1965年90岁高龄的丘吉尔与世长辞,他曾先后于1940-1945年和1951-1955年间担任英国首相。Churchill, who died at the age of 90 in 1965, led Britain between 1940 and 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955.