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如果可以我想散心旅行。If I want to travel trip.

因此,按照莫兰说的那样,“注意晨练多走走,或者饭后出门散心。So “go for a morning walk or a lunchtime stroll.

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救下了墨弦,蓝岳炽银带她出去散心。Save the ink blue string, take her out Chiyin yue.

在给她做保镖的日子里,陪她四处散心。In her bodyguard days, accompany her around to relax.

如果你想出去走走散散心,你可以来圣路易斯找我。Hey, if you ever need to get away, come out to St. Louis.

继母带她去欧洲散心,顺便学习艺术。Her stepmother took her to Europe to recover and study art.

这天我和栀子准备出去散心,于是就匆匆的出去了。That day I prepared and Gardenia out relax and so hurried away.

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放松压力可以去旅游散心,或者和朋友聊天。We can relax the pressure of travelling, or chatting with friends.

罗宾去了阿根廷散心,而我的生活一如既往。Robin took a trip to Argentina and I went through my usual routine.

直到深夜仍有一些人在湖边踱步散心。At the midnight, there were still some people hovering about the lake.

为了哄我开心,他背着我到外面散心,给我讲故事。He took me on his back to go out for relaxing in order to be pleased with me.

因为忧心母亲经久不去的悲痛,米切尔一直打算找机会和母亲出去走走散散心。Concerned about Gail's continuing grief, Michelle often planned outings with her mother.

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罗宾去阿根廷散心了,我又留起了“分手”胡子---这是我每次分手后必做的。Robin took a trip to Argentina and I went through my usual routine. I grew my break-up beard.

花田钦也由于掉恋辞了任务,开着他新买的汽车去北海道散心。Take TianQin also due to quit the task, are off he drove his car to buy new of Hokkaido trip.

酒吧里都是伤心的回忆,受了情伤的兰姐准备把酒吧转掉,去国外散心。Bars are all sad memories, feeling the injury LanJie ready to turn off the bar, a trip abroad.

顾***手术非常成功,顾阡陌和乐乐推着妈妈来到公园散心。Despite my mothers surgery was very successful, buildings and lele pushes mom came to the park.

一种是点爆散心波驱动,另一种是滑移爆轰驱动。One is divergent detonation driving with point initiation, the other, the slipping detonation driving.

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为了重新联络感情,吉姆召集家人去旅游散心,不幸的是,他们乘坐的飞机在亚马逊河上坠毁了!During a family vacation set up by Jim in an attempt to reconnect, their plane crashes into the Amazon River.

新婚之夜,徐晓辉发现自己不能尽人事,第二天便早早起来在河边散心。Wedding night, xiao-hui xu found himself cant do what one can, then gets up early the next day a trip along the river bank.

从市政府出来,卢琳陪帅飘到外面散心,两人互相信赖,互相支持。From the municipal government, Lu Lin accompany handsome drifted outside to relax, two people of mutual trust, mutual support.