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大都会建筑事务所的发言人证实了舍人的话。A spokesman for OMA confirmed Mr. Scheeren's remarks.

郑损,僖宗时中书舍人。诗六首。Zheng loss, Xi cases in the book when Scheeren. Six Poems.

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奥雷·舍人曾执掌北京央视新大楼的设计与建造。Ole Scheeren led the design and construction of the new CCTV headquarters.

反观39岁的奥雷·舍人,最近和一女建筑师同行交往密切。But Ole Scheeren, 39, has been spotted running around with a female architect.

奥雷·舍人曾执掌北京央视新大楼的设计与建造。Ole Scheeren led the design and construction of the China Central Television Station.

“三舍人议案”和“乌台诗案”,是宋代政治中的重大事件。"Three Sheren Motion" and "Wutaishi'an" were both major events in Song Dynasty Politics.

后晋还一度废除翰林学士,其职并归中书舍人。Later Jin Dynasty was also once abolished Hanlin degree, their functions and to go in the book rounding.

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田澄,天宝时官献纳使、起居舍人。杜甫尝有诗赠之。诗一首。Tian Cheng, Tian Bao official Dedication to time, personal Scheeren. Du Fu's poetry gift of taste there. Write a poem.

赵至以“士息”的眼光看待已是太子舍人的嵇蕃,言辞间夸饰、流溢钦慕之情,实属正常。It is natural for Zhao Zhi to treat Ji Shao with admiration and exaggeration because Ji Shao was already the prince then.

韩琮,字成封,初为陈许节度判官,后历中书舍人、湖南观察使。诗一卷。Han Cong, the word into letters, first Magistrate Chen Hui Key Periods after calendar book Scheeren, Hunan observation to make. Poetry volume.

这幅绘画作品分为五个部分,描绘了南唐中书舍人韩熙载举行的夜宴上所发生的一切事。This painting is divided into five sections, and depicts all that was going on during a banquet given by Han Xizai, master of the Grand Secretariat.

刘乙,字子真,泉州人。仕闽为凤阁舍人,弃官隐安溪凤髻山。集一卷,今存诗一首。Liu B, sub-word true, Quanzhou. Shi-Min for the Phoenix Court Scheeren, official position on Mount hidden Anxi Phoenix. Set volume, this deposit poem.

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舍人认为,该项目推迟启用的原因是中国国务院要求对火灾及其影响进行详细调查。Mr. Scheeren attributed the delay in the project's resumption to a request by the Chinese State Council for a detailed investigation into the fire and its impact.

文中给出了解存在的条件和解法,对解的舍人误差进行了分析,并证明了样条函数的收敛性。The condition of existence of solution and its algorithm are given, the rounding error of the solution process is analyzed and the convergence of the spline is proved.

“三舍人议案”中,苏颂与皇帝、宰相的争论涉及以法治国还是以情代法?"Three Sheren Motion", Su Song and the emperor, prime minister involved in the dispute, according to law to govern his country or to substitute his feelings for the rules of law?

据香港媒体报道,张曼玉与德国籍建筑师男友奥雷·舍人交往3年多,最近因感情转淡分手。Hong Kong actress Maggie Cheung is rumored to have split with her younger German boyfriend, architect Ole Scheeren, because their 3-year relationship went cold, Hong Kong media reported.