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所有的大型商场都将变得门可罗雀。Entire malls will become ghost towns.

尽管平板炙手可热,联网电视却门可罗雀。While Tablets are hot, connected TVs are not.

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要是举办一个百万富翁展销会却门可罗雀,那该怎么办?What if they held a millionaire fair and no one came?

这主意不错,可我们家实在是门可罗雀,没啥客人耶!Not a bad idea! The problem is that we don't really have people come around though!

因主营冬装,所以夏季通常门可罗雀。Usually there are no customers during the summer, because they sell winter clothing.

他或许宴会从不缺嘉宾,但是葬礼就门可罗雀。He may have no shortage of party guests but he's sorely lacking in funeral attendees.

古色古香的旅馆在这十几年来生意如火如荼,如今却门可罗雀。Reservation books at the quaint inns to which tourists have flocked for decades are empty.

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张悟本周末坐诊的另一家诊所可谓门可罗雀。There were few patients at another clinic where Zhang practiced as a health experts on weekends.

在今年2月的春运中,官员们就意识到高铁车厢内常常门可罗雀。During February’s annual migration, officials noticed that the high-speed trains were largely empty.

如今我们可以用成语门可罗雀形容门庭冷落,冷冷清清。Today, we can use this idiom to describe any place which has been deserted, or where people are few.

同时九零年代的低油价也使许多学校的石化科系招生门可罗雀。Meanwhile, the low oil prices of the 1990s turned many petroleum engineering schools into near ghost towns.

门庭若市之后,可能会门可罗雀。宾馆附设的酒吧最靠得住,可是要论“开心乐翻天”,非“酒吧周冠军”莫属!The most reliable are those in hotels but the flavour-of-the-week places can generate the most high-rolling fun.

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声誉好的学校会收到大量的入学申请,而较差的学校则门可罗雀。Schools with better reputations will be flooded with applications while poorer schools will be left high and dry.

与2009年开业时的轰轰烈烈不同,坐落于北岸财富中心的奥特莱斯如今已经门可罗雀。And vigorous different when opened in 2009, is located in the north shore of fortune plaza outlet is now deserted.

周遭地区的酒吧、夜总会平常应该是人满为患的,此时却门可罗雀。Bars and nightclubs in the neighbourhood that would normally be packed with off-duty soldiers are virtually empty.

原本为球迷排队买票设置的隔离带,根本派不上用场,售票点门可罗雀。Lines up originally for the fan the buying a ticket establishment isolation strip, cannot apply, booking infrequently visited.

来了客人,因为满座而被谢拒,却不知就在2公里外的分店还门可罗雀。When the customers come, they' re refused because there is not seat, but the branch restaurant 2 kilometers away only has few.

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张悟本周末坐诊的另一家诊所可谓门可罗雀。一位工作人员称张悟本正在休假。There were few patients at another clinic where Zhang practiced as a health experts on weekends. An employee said Zhang was on vacation.

他在拜访门店时发现电视机货架区门可罗雀,而平板电脑和智能手机货架区却人头攒动。He's been checking the stores and observed "thin activity" in the TV aisles, compared with "strong activity" for tablets and smartphones.

喜迎巴黎航展首个百年庆,气氛本应是欢欣雀跃的,可是这场持续一周的工业盛事却在周一开幕时门可罗雀。The mood should have been celebratory, to fete Paris Air Show's first century of existence, but the week-long industry event instead opened Monday with the doldrums.