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是什么点燃了心火?What ignites that spark.

我是一团熊熊燃烧的地心火!I am the flaming fire inside the earth!

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听说儿子又考了全班倒数第一,他气得心火上升。He was burning with anger at the news that his son was last place in his class.

我们仍继续修建城墙,把整个城墙都联结起来,高度已到一半,因为民众都有心火工作。The people worked with all their hearts and we finished half the wall's height.

莲芯还有很好的祛心火的功效,可以治疗口舌生疮,并有助于睡眠。Lotus seed and good remove heart effect, can treat your breath of sores, and help to sleep.

症状,老中医为他开了个降心火的方子。The old herbal doctor prescribed something to ease the internal heat based on his symptoms.

心火未除,股市的委靡和“9?11”事件的影响又显现出来。Xinhuo not eliminated, the stock market Weimi and "9, 11" and the impact of events emerged.

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什么才是你的梦想?是什么点燃了心火?你不能只是有点,你需要全身心的投入。What is your dream? What ignites that spark. You can't kinda want that, you got to want it with every part of your whole heart.

至少,两个人相拥走到尽头总比一个人孤独地焚于心火要好,而这就是爱情的代价!At the bottom line, two of us die with hand by hand is better than one burn inside lonely to the end, and that is the price of love.

朱丹溪重视“清心利小便”,认为“调平心火”为治法纲领。Zhu Danxi valued clearing away the heart-fire and diuresis, and considered that dispelling the heart-fire was the curative programme.

心火上炎、心血亏虚、心气不足均可引起脱发,故临床可考虑从心论治。It is argued that hair loss may result from heart fire, heart-blood and heart- qi deficiency. It is suggested to cure alopecia from heart.

在这期间的时刻,那些奉献给我无玷圣心火焰的将被保护。这些灵魂将是在黑暗中之光。It is during this time that those consecrated to the Flame of My Immaculate Heart will be protected. These souls will be the light in the midst of darkness.

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极致之爱能唤醒灵魂,它让我们追求更多,让我们心火熊熊、凝神静气,那就是你给予我的。The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds, and that's what you've given me.

饮用此汤有助促进排尿以清泻心火,同时能增加身体津液,滋润身体,舒缓烦躁情绪。This soup helps facilitating urinary excretion to clear and remove the heart-fire, at the same time increasing body fluid, nourishing the body and relieving irritated emotion.

中医的养生原则认为,夏天需“增苦减酸”,因苦味入心降心火,除烦躁。The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine's health principle, should be "the summer that reduce acid", because of bitter bitterness into the heart drop, except be agitated downwards.