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它提供了另一种劳动密集型的增长。They offer the alternative of labour-intensive growth.

劳动密集型产业的出路是升级换代。Labor-intensive industries is the way out for upgrading.

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劳动密集型产业,转型产业,农产品加工业Labor-intensive industry, transformation industry, agro-industry

南非应当发展劳动密集型制造业吗?Should South African develop labour intensive manufacturing industries?

耗费时间,劳动密集型的测试会花费数千美元。The time-consuming, labor-intensive exams can cost thousands of dollars.

建筑业在我国仍是劳动密集型行业之一。Bldg. is in our country still is labor concentrated model one of industries.

即使在这些劳动密集型产业当中,中国在价值链上的位置也有所上移。China has moved up the value chain even within these labor intensive industries.

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通过发展资本有机构成低的劳动密集型产业可以转移富余劳动力。In a certain regime, when capital substitutes labor, surplus labors will emerge.

开始它只提供便宜的劳动密集型制造业。First it offered itself as a low-wage location for labor-intensive manufacturing.

广开就业门路,积极发展劳动密集型产业。We should open up more avenues for employment and develop labor-intensive industries.

草业,既是一个科技含量较高的产业,又是一个劳动密集型产业。Prataculture is not only a more technological industry but also a dense labor industry.

这五大产业都是劳动密集型产业,主要以赖于产品出口。The five non-agriculture industries are all labor-intensive, relying heavily on exports.

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中国作为劳动密集型产品出口的贸易大国,因此受到SA8000标准的影响也就更为深刻。China, as a big export trade country of labor-intensive products, is influenced by SA8000.

但是,这样一个装置的研发会是一个昂贵的劳动密集型的过程。However, research and development for such a device could be a costly, labor-intensive process.

比较而言,大部分独联体国家出口自然资源和非熟练劳动密集型产品。In contrast, most CIS countries export natural resources and unskilled labor-intensive products.

早在美国还处于劳动密集型的经济发展的初期阶段时,地方银行才是金融体系中的主角。For the early labour-intensive phase of America's economic development, local banks were dominant.

对于美国早期劳动密集型经济发展时期,当地银行占主流。For the early labour-intensive phase of America’s economic development, local banks were dominant.

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实践劳动密集型的自我施肥菜园,并扩展到自我施肥农园。Practice the labour intensive self-cultivating vegetable plant, and extend to self-cultivating farms.

然而,劳动密集型工厂会继续向印度这样的国家转移,中国的薪资水平会继续增长。Yet factory jobs will continue to migrate to places like India. Wages in China will continue to rise.

茶叶生产的劳动密集型,就地消化了大量的农村剩余劳力。The work that tea produces is concentrated model, on the spot digested many rural residual labor force.