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好的,请便。Yes, please.

当然,请便。Sure, Go ahead.

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当然可以,请便。Sure, be my guest.

当然可以。请便。Of course. Be my guest.

请便。我准备好了。As you please. I'm ready.

你要搜查吗?请便吧!You want to search?Be my guest!

请便吧。不,等等!我和你一块儿去。Go ahead. No, wait! I go with you.

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没有问题----请便吧,我可以接受采访。No problem-I'm all yours to interview.

我要回家去了。-你请便吧。I am going home-you can please yourself.

您请便,我的工作到此为止了Do whatever you want, my work here is done

你一定要走,那就请便吧。If you insist on leaving now, please go ahead.

好吧,请便,我不介意你所做的。Well, please yourself, I don't mind what you do.

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如果你感到不舒服,就请便吧。If you feel out of sorts, you may please yourself.

你要是不想学习,那就请便吧。Well, if you don't want to study, do as you please.

如果你想再来杯红酒和咖啡,请便。If you want a glass of wine and an espresso, go ahead.

如果有谁想在暑假住我的公寓,请便吧。If anyone wants to use my apartment during the summer, be my guest.

孩子们不等人请便开始吃了起来。The children started in on the food without waiting for an invitation.

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如果他们想要把他们的头送入绞肉机里,那么请便吧。If they want to feed themselves head first into that meat grinder, let em.

当然可以,请便。黄油爆米花是我外出看电影最喜欢带的。Sure. Help yourselves. Buttered popcorn is my favorite part of going out for movies.

食物一端上桌子,孩子们用不着请便大吃起来。As soon as the food was put on the table, all the children pitched in without waiting to be invited.