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我也曾黯然神伤。I also feel dejected.

你哭泣,却只能独自黯然神伤。Weep, and you weep alone.

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因为美貌不在,她的眼里总是黯然神伤。Her eyes are always weeping for the loss of her beauty.

然而事实上,它可能是有史以来最黯然神伤的关于单相思的歌曲。In reality, it may be the most heartbreaking song of unrequited love ever written.

有多少对夫妻渴望拥有孩子,却因为无儿无女而黯然神伤?HOW many couples longing for a baby will wake up today and weep because they are childless?

沉浸在多姿多彩的文字中,多愁善感的我就连一片落叶都让我黯然神伤。Immersed in the colorful words, I am sentimental and even a leaf on me feeling very depressed.

首先,她等待合适的时机开口——哈利看到复活节彩蛋时正黯然神伤。First, she waits for the opportune moment, when Harry is feeling emotional about his Easter egg.

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因为我不懂,所以我不会为谁黯然神伤,更不会为谁作践自己。Because I do not understand, so I can not be who fell dejected, but not for who humiliate themselves.

尼科尔已经感到春风扑面——她只是害怕突如其来的变故,以及变故发生时那种令人黯然神伤的方式。Nicole could feel the fresh breeze already—the wrench it was she feared, and the dark manner of its coming.

如果说这些故事让人黯然神伤的话,那是因为这些天购房者们似乎都在默默“潜伏”。If there was something plaintive about those stories it is because buyers seem to be in hibernation these days.

但是,在卡门·艾尔茜拉沉浸在悲伤之中、吉尔勒莫照顾她的日子里,她依然思念着迭戈,为他黯然神伤。But while Carmen Elcira grieved and Guillermo attended to her, she continued to be consumed by thoughts of Diego.

妻子和二女儿的死使晚年吐温的晚年生活黯然神伤,在他去世以后出版的自传中可以看到这一点。The death of his wife and his second daughter darkened Twain's later years, which is seen in his autobiography published after his death.

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举家搬迁难免令人黯然神伤,看着国旗从美国南极站老基地上缓缓移下,即使潸然泪下也是情有可原。MOVING house is always traumatic, and the odd tear would have been forgivable as the flag came down over America's old base at the South Pole.

结果有两种.如果美国失利,美国股市投资者将黯然神伤,美元将进一步下跌,从而使生活水平进一步恶化.如果美国战胜这一挑战,投资将得到高额回报.If America fails, investors in U.S. equities will underperform and the dollar will weaken further, undermining our standard of living even more.

提起这个题目我又要提起一段往事——后来每每回想起来就让我有些黯然神伤的往事。Having brought this up, there's something else from the past I'd like to bring up. Just thinking back to it, though, leaves me a little depressed.

也是此刻你想了解的真相,就在我们还在为房屋泡沫和信用紧缩这两记左右组合拳而黯然神伤的此刻。And it's the kind of stuff you want to read at a time when we are still smarting from the one-two combo of the housing bubble and the credit crunch.

每天机械的守着电脑,看着K线起起落落,期盼着能有个像样的反弹,而收盘总是黯然神伤。Machinery guarding the computer every day, watching the K -line and down , looking forward to have a decent rebound, and the closing always feel dejected.

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而在谈到女儿李嫣在美国治病的时候,作为父亲的李亚鹏也不禁黯然神伤,并且哽咽。In talking about her daughter Li Yan in the United States for medical treatment, as the father of Li Yapeng also Can not help but feel depressed, and choking.

绵长的夜呵,总让我黯然神伤,展不开的眉头,挨不完的更漏,究竟,需要几多的泪湿衣襟,才能相忘这一曲离人殇?The long night Oh, let me fell dejected, show on the brow, and the more leakage, after all, need to how much tears wet skirts, to forget this song from the war?

这些年,他眼看着周围很多建立得比自己晚,但是发展却很快,并且已经颇具规模的服装厂时就难免黯然神伤。These years, he watched the many established around than his late, but development soon, and have large clothing factory when it inevitably felt dejected because.