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2007年她来到苏州,并在私立洪恩学校教书。She moved to Suzhou in 2007 and taught at a private school, Hong En.

关于洪恩贞的信息似乎更加简单清晰,但也颇为说明问题。The information on Hong seems more straightforward, yet illuminating.

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“马特洪恩计划”在当时中国战区的优先地位由此可见。From this letter, we can see the priority of the Matterhorn Project in China.

洪恩朗读者点读笔试我很久以来见到的最有意思的东西。The Touch and Talk pen is the most interesting thing I've seen in a long time.

因此我认为利用洪恩朗读者这类技术可以帮助他们成为更好的老师。Here I think use of technology like Touch and Talk can help them to be better teachers.

等深线贸易是洪恩的北美独家经销商。Sea Contours Trading Company is the exclusive distributor of Hongen's products in North America.

那些受洪恩又蒙所赐之义的,岂不更要因耶稣基督一人在生命中作王吗?"They that receive the abundance of grace shall reign in life through Jesus Christ. "—ROM. v. 17.

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你可以浏览洪恩在线,一天一句。坚持它,你的儿子的英语肯定会有进步。You may watch ww. hongen. com , a sentence a day, keep it and your son will make progress in English.

不,她们的父亲说。我们是一个音乐之家,不培养运动员。但是这本书上说,这位教练最终说服了他。那年洪恩贞六岁。No, he said. We're a musical family, not athletes. But the coach won him over, the book says. Hong was 6.

这时确实的话,那些接受洪恩已经因耶稣基督一人在生命里作王了。This is a sure word. They that receive the abundance of grace reign already in this life through Jesus Christ.

使用洪恩朗读者的书籍可以确保发音正确。Using books enabled with Touch and Talk technology can help them to make sure they are pronouncing words correctly.

书中说,一开始,年轻的洪恩贞想家,想念妈妈,夜里一直哭泣,第二天训练时表现得一团糟。Initially homesick and missing her mother, the young Un-jong stayed up crying at night and was a mess at training the next day.

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因为洪恩朗读者使用实在的书本,可以帮助孩子向独立阅读过渡。Because Touch and Talk technology uses real books, I think it can better help kids to make the transition to reading on their own.

但是2009年的贝尔格莱德大运会上,程菲输给了朝鲜的洪恩贞,2008年的北京奥运中,程菲也败给了她。However, in the Belgrade Universiade in 2009, Cheng lost to Hong Un Jong from North Korea, who beat her in the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

何况那些受洪恩又蒙所赐之义的,岂不更要因耶稣基督一人在生命中作王吗?"Much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness, shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ. "—ROM. v. I7.

在得知米菈克丝的绑架者之后,洪恩立即离开学院,从一个狡诈的前星区首长海盗手中救出妻子。Upon discovering leads to Mirax's abductors, Horn impetuously left the academy, and freed his wife from a rogue Imperial Moff -turned-pirate.

在北京的那天,洪恩贞在程菲的地盘上,用“程菲跳”战胜了对方,为朝鲜赢得了体操项目中的第一块奥运金牌。That day in Beijing, Hong beat Cheng on her own home turf, with the vault that bears her name, bringing home North Korea's first Olympic gold in gymnastics.

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教师还可以鼓励学生在课外使用洪恩朗读者的教材巩固正确的发音方法。They can also encourage students to use Touch and Talk enabled materials outside the classroom to ensure that they are reinforcing correct pronunciation patterns.

禁赛结束后,洪恩贞悄悄地回到了顶尖跳马选手的行列,在2013年世锦赛上获得铜牌,2014年夺冠,去年又获得一块银牌。Since the ban was lifted, Hong Un-jong has quietly reasserted herself as a top contender in vault, earning a bronze at worlds in 2013, gold in 2014 and silver last year.

在韩国的网络评论中,有人猜测如果洪恩贞不能夺冠,这张在国际上备受赞美的自拍也不能保障她的安全。In comments posted online in South Korea, there was speculation that if Hong failed to bring home a gold, her internationally lauded selfie would not suffice in keeping her safe.