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当然,单纯的指责瓜农缺德无济于事。Of course, simply the accusation Watermelon unethical to no avail.

几个男孩去偷西瓜,瓜农却放狗咬他们。Some boys went to steal water melons but the farmer set this dog on them.

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从瓜农手中直接买的西瓜又好吃又便宜。Watermelons bought directly from the farmers are delicious as well as cheap.

这个一周开市两次的市场只专注来自阿肯色州的瓜农的西瓜。The market, which runs twice a week, features only Arkansas-grown produce sold by the farmers.

路边的瓜农在叫卖着西瓜,身边开过的出租车又渐远离,人们忙忙碌碌的在为他们的生活奔波着。I saw the farmers selling watermelons, taxi drivers zooming by and the busy people going about their lives.

瓜农想让自己的黄瓜销路好、价钱好,所以在黄瓜生长时给他们打上避孕药。Watermelon Cucumber want to sell their own good, the price, so the growth of cucumber when marking them contraceptives.

所以说瓜农的行动其实就是替计生部门发放避孕药,是替国家计划生育政策做贡献。So the action Watermelon is actually paid for the family planning department of the pill, is to contribute for the national family planning policy.

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根据报道,瓜农喷洒药剂的时机太晚,而且环境潮湿,导致西瓜如“地雷”般爆炸。The report said the farmers sprayed the fruit too late in the season and during wet conditions, which caused the melons to explode like "landmines".

据新华社报道,江苏日前曝出膨大剂致西瓜爆炸的消息殃及西瓜产业,害苦了瓜农。The watermelon industry and farmers are greatly affected after reports that the use of growth-accelerating chemicals had caused watermelons to burst in Jiangsu, Xinhua reported.

中牟的西瓜商和瓜农周二通过吃西瓜比赛和西瓜举重向人们展示了他们高品质的西瓜,同时在西瓜节上也为种瓜大户颁发了荣誉。Watermelon sellers and farmers in Zhongmu displayed their high-quality fruit Tuesday by competing in eating and lifting melons as well as honoring the master grower at the festival.