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它弹进了一辆过路的车。It bounced into a passing car.

看看这些过路的人。Watch people crossing the road.

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他对过路的每个人傻笑。He smirked at everyone that passed.

那么,你在伦敦迷过路吗?So, have you gotten lost in London?

一位过路军官失落了一根马刺。A passing officer chanced to lose a spur.

一辆过路车把泥溅在了我最好的外衣上!A passing car splashed mud on my best coat!

孩子们向过路轿车投掷石块。The boys were shying rocks at passing cars.

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没有邻居,甚至没有过路的人。There were no neighbors, not even passers -by.

五天后,一条过路的油轮搭救了他们When a passing tanker rescued them five days later

以前我从没迷过路,你是我的正北方。I've never been lost before. You were my true north.

石头击中那面墙弹回打著了过路的人。The stone ricocheted off the wall and hit passer-by.

石头击中那面墙弹回打著了过路的人。The stone ricocheted off the wall and hit a passer-by.

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这些吊杆是用来为过路火车通过而拦住交通的。These booms are to stop the traffic for passing trains.

情况已经非常严重,市政府已经张贴告示警告过路者。It is so bad that the city posts signs to warn passerbys.

那男孩掉进冰窟但被一过路行人救了起来。The boy fell through the ice but was saved by a passer-by.

他焦虑地注视着几个骑马者转过路弯。Anxiously, he watched as several horsemen rounded the bend.

她望着过路客人,看见了他正在细看的东西。She saw the wayfarer , and perceived what he was looking at.

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它们都主要是过路和越冬鸟类的栖息地。Both are designated primarily for migrating and wintering birds.

这些公园里的树替过路的人提供了很棒的遮阴处。The trees in the park offer wonderful shade for people passing by.

过路的小猫,刺猬,松鼠全来帮忙。Lead the kitty of road, stab Wei, all of the squirrel come to help.