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粮食产量激增。Grain output shot up.

三要大规模开展粮食高产创建。high yield in large-scale.

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赣南盛产粮食。South Gan teemed with grain.

高涨的燃料和粮食价格?Soaring fuel and food prices?

粮食产量大幅度增长The grain production steamed.

试炼是信心的粮食。Trials are the food of faith.

印度的粮食奇缺。Food is deadly wanted in India.

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护好粮食以防雨淋。Protect the grain against rain.

大老鼠,大老鼠,你不要吃我的粮食!Rant, Rant. Don't eat my crops.

粮食产量翻了两番。The grain output is quadrupled.

秋收之后,我们把粮食储存起来。After harvest we store the grain.

过去粮食用小划子运过河。Grain used to canoed up the river.

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汤羹就如同基本的精神粮食一样重要。Soup's like the ultimate soul food.

粮食满仓。The granary is bursting with grain.

船上载满了粮食。The ship is fully loaded with grain.

为了节省粮食,是一个机会主义者。To save on food , be an opportunist.

过去粮食由小划子运送到河的上游。Grain used to be canoed up the river.

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有一年夏季,我受雇替人把粮食装袋。I got hired one summer to sack grain.

那些将会是你生命中的精神粮食。All they will be pabulum of your life.

他认为浪费粮食是罪恶行为。He believes it is a sin to waste food.