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前进,走向宿命的坟冢。Ever onward to the grave.

那么,这是宿命吗?And this was foreordination?

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这叫宿命?Is it call "foreordination"?

大概这就是她的宿命。Maybe it is a foreordination.

贝利亚步了他们的后尘,得到了相同的宿命。He met the same fate they did.

宿命里等我的人。Wait my person in predestination.

我所注定的宿命。The predestination that I destine.

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这或许是一种宿命。This may be called foreordination.

这是一场浓缩的宿命。This is a condensed foreordination.

宿命就是等待月老吗?The fate is waits for the matchmaker?

我想我算是一个相信宿命的人吧。I think I am pretty much of a fatalist.

有人可能会将这看成一种宿命型思维。Some may see this as fatalistic thinking.

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你可以接受宿命的概念吗?Would you accept the concept of predestination ?

但我不能死在没有完成宿命前。But I cannot die till I have achieved my destiny.

万物都有它的宿命,我们不能强求。Everything has it 's destiny, we cannot importune.

分离,就像一场,永远躲不了的宿命。Separation, like a field, always slip out of fate.

⊙、女人犯贱是宿命,男人调情是天性。Is the fate of women Bitchy, men flirting is nature.

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宿命注定了彼此,青春的祭奠,空梦的吟唱。Fate destined each other, youth Festivals, empty dream.

所有的记忆和宿命都抛诸波心。With all memory and fate driven deep beneath the waves.

每小我私家有本身的宿命,一切又与他人何关。Each person has own fate, all what do with other people.